Crocodile or true crocodile is a large aquatic reptile that lives throughout the tropics of Africa, Asia, America and Australia. Crocodylinae, all its members are considered true crocodiles, are classified as biological subfamily. The broader meaning of crocodiles, Crocodylidae which belongs to Tomistoma , is not used in this article. The term crocodile here applies only to species within the Crocodylinae subfamily. The term is sometimes used even more loosely to include all the remaining members of the Crocodile order, which include crocodiles and caiman (family of Alligatoridae), gharial and false gharial (Gavialidae family), and all living Crocodylomorpha and other fossils.
Although they look alike, crocodiles, crocodiles and gharial belong to separate biological families. Gharial, with its narrow muzzle, is easier to distinguish, while morphological differences are more difficult to find in crocodiles and crocodiles. The most obvious external difference is seen in the head, with the crocodile having a narrower and longer head, with more V-shaped than a U-shaped muzzle compared to crocodiles and caiman. Another obvious feature is that the crown's upper and lower jaws have the same width, and the teeth in the lower jaw fall along the edge or outside the upper jaw when the mouth is closed; therefore, all the teeth look, unlike crocodiles, which have in the lower jaw a small depression in which the lower teeth fits. Also, when the crocodile's mouth is closed, the fourth large tooth in the lower jaw fits into a narrowing in the upper jaw. For hard-to-distinguish specimens, prominent teeth are the most reliable feature for defining species families. Crocodiles have more webbing on the rear toes and can better tolerate salt water because of salt-specific glands to filter out salt, which is present, but does not work, on crocodiles. Another feature that differentiates crocodiles from other crocodiles is their much higher level of aggression.
Crocodile, morphological, behavioral and ecological measurements differ somewhat among species. However, they have many similarities in these areas as well. All crocodiles are semiotics and tend to congregate in freshwater habitats such as rivers, lakes, wetlands and occasionally in brackish water and saltwater. They are carnivorous animals, mostly eating in vertebrates such as fish, reptiles, birds and mammals, and sometimes in invertebrates such as molluscs and crustaceans, depending on species and age. All crocodiles are tropical species that, unlike crocodiles, are very sensitive to cold. They were separated from other crocodiles during the Eocene epoch, some 55 million years ago. Many species are at risk of extinction, some species are classified as endangered.
Video Crocodile
The word "crocodile" comes from the Ancient Greek ?????????? (crocodilos), "lizard", is used in the phrase ho krokÃÆ'ódilos tou potamoÃÆ'ú , "the lizard from the river (Nile River)". There are several variants of the Greek form of the proved word, including the later form ??????????? ( crocodeilos ) found in many English references. In Koine Greek during the Roman period, crocodilos and crocodeilos will be pronounced identically, and one or both may be the source of the Latin form of crocodile crocodilos and crocodeilos . Lus is used by ancient Romans. Crocodilos crocodeilos is a compound of krokÃÆ'è ("gravel"), and drilos/dreilos ("worms") , although drilos is only evidenced as a colloquial term for "penis". This is thought to have originated from Herodotus, and supposedly depicts the Egyptian crocodile's basking habit.
The crocodrillus form is evidenced in the Medieval Latin. It is unclear whether this is medieval corruption or derived from an alternative Greek-Latin form (ancient Greek corcodrillos and corcodrillion evidenced). A (further) damaged form cocodrille was found in Old French and borrowed into Central English as cocodril (le) . The modern form of English crocodile is adapted directly from the Latin Latin crocodile? Lus in the 16th century, replacing the previous form. The use of -y in the scientific name Crocodylus (and the forms derived from it) is the corruption introduced by Laurenti (1768).
Maps Crocodile
A total of 14 extant species have been recognized. Further genetic studies are needed to confirm the proposed species under the genus Osteolaemus, which is currently monotypic.
- Crocodile similar to crocodile and caiman; for their common characteristics and differences among them, see Crocodilia.
The physical characteristics of the crocodile allow it to be a successful predator. Its external morphology is a sign of the aquatic lifestyle and its predators. Her sleek body allows her to swim quickly; it also folds the legs aside while swimming, making it faster by reducing water resistance. Crocodiles have webbed feet which, though not used to propel them through water, allow them to make quick turns and sudden movements in the water or start swimming. Webbed feet are advantages in shallow waters where animals sometimes move with walking. Crocodiles have palatal palatal, stiff tissues behind the mouth that block the entry of water. The ceiling has a special path from the nostrils to the glottis that passes through the mouth. The nostrils are closed when submerged.
Like other archosaurs, crocodiles are diapsid, although their post-temporal fenestrae is reduced. The brain's cranial wall is the bone but lacks supratemporal and postfrontal bones. Their tongues are not free, but are retained by membranes that restrict movement; consequently, crocodiles can not stick their tongues out. Crocodiles have delicate skin on their stomachs and sides, while their dorsal surfaces are coated with large osteoderms. Armored skin has scales and is thick and coarse, providing protection. They are still able to absorb heat through this armor, because small capillary tissue allows blood through the scales to absorb heat. The crocodile's scales have pores that are believed to be sensory in function, analogous to a side line on the fish. They are especially visible on their upper and lower jaws. Another possibility is that they are secretory, because they produce an oily substance that appears to extinguish the mud.
The size varies greatly among species, from dwarf crocodiles to saltwater crocodiles. The species of Osteolaemus grows to an adult size of only 1.5 to 1.9 m (4.9 to 6.2 feet), while saltwater crocodiles can grow to a size of more than 7 m (23 ft) and weight 1,000 kg (2,200 pounds). Some other large species can reach more than 5.2 m (17 ft) and weigh more than 900 kg (2,000 pounds). Crocodilians exhibit sexual dimorphism, with males growing much larger and faster than females. Despite their large adult size, crocodiles began their lives in about 20 centimeters (7.9 inches) long. The largest crocodile species is a saltwater crocodile, found in eastern India, northern Australia, throughout Southeast Asia, and in the surrounding waters.
The biggest crocodile that ever existed in captivity was the Siam-style hybrid called Yai (Thai: ???? , meaning big) (born June 10, 1972) at Samutprakarn Crocodile Farm and Garden Animals, Thailand. This animal has a length of 6 m (20 feet) and weighs 1,114 kg (2,456 pounds).
The longest crocodile captured in life is Lolong, measured at 6.17 m (20.2 ft) and weighed at 1,075 kg (2,370 pounds) by the National Geographic team in Agusan del Sur Province, Philippines.
Crocodiles are polyphyodonts; they were able to replace each of their 80 teeth up to 50 times in the 35 to 75 years of age. In addition to every adult tooth, there are small replacement teeth and odontogenic stem cells in the lamina tooth that can be activated if needed.
Biology and behavior
- Crocodile similar to crocodile and caiman; for biology and their general differences between them, see Crocodilia.
Crocodilians are more closely related to birds and dinosaurs than most animals are classified as reptiles, three families belonging to the Archosaurian group ('ruling reptile'). Regardless of their prehistoric views, crocodiles include more biologically complex reptiles. Unlike other reptiles, crocodiles have a cerebral cortex and a four-chambered heart. Crocodilians also have a functional equivalent of the diaphragm by combining the muscles used for the movement of water into respiration. The salt glands are present in aloe vera and they have a pore hole on the surface of the tongue, a trait that separates them from crocodiles. The salt glands do not work in Alligatoridae. Their function seems to be similar to salt glands in sea turtles. Crocodiles do not have sweat glands and release heat through their mouths. They often sleep with their mouths open and may be gasping like dogs. Four species of freshwater crocodiles climb trees to bask in areas with no coastline.
Crocodiles have acute senses, an evolutionary advantage that makes them a successful predator. Eyes, ears and nostrils are located above the head, allowing crocodiles to lie low in the water, almost entirely drowned and hidden from their prey.
Crocodiles have excellent night vision, and most of the night hunters. They use the losses of the animal's nocturnal vision of the worst of its prey to their advantage. The light receptors in the crocodile's eye include a cone and many rods, so it is assumed all crocodiles can see the color. The crocodile has a vertical slit-shaped pupil, similar to a domestic cat. One explanation for the slit pupil evolution is that they exclude light more effectively than circular pupils, helping to protect the eyes during the daytime. On the back wall of the eye is tapetum lucidum, which reflects light entering back into the retina, thus utilizing the little available light at night for the best gain. In addition to the protection of the upper and lower eyelids, the crocodile has a nictitating membrane (sometimes called a "third eye cover") that can be pulled over the eye from an inner corner while the petals are open. The surface of the eyeball is thus protected under water while a certain level of vision is still possible.
The sense of smell of crocodiles is also growing very well, helping them detect prey or carcasses of animals that are on land or in water, from afar. There is the possibility of crocodiles using the smell in the egg before hatching.
Chemoreception on crocodiles is very interesting as they hunt in terrestrial and aquatic environments. Crocodiles have only one olfactory room and no vomeronasal organs in adults that show all olfactory perceptions limited to the olfactory system. Behavioral experiments and olfactometers show that crocodiles detect chemicals carried by air and dissolve in water and use their olfactory systems to hunt. When on water, crocodiles increase their ability to detect evaporative odors by pumping gular, rhythmic movements from the pharyngeal floor. Crocodiles cover their nostrils when submerged, so the smell under the water is impossible. The detection of underwater food is thought to be tangible and tactile.
Crocodiles can hear well; their tympanic membrane is hidden by a flat flap that can be raised or lowered by muscles.
Caudal : Upper and lower jaws are covered with sensory holes, seen as small, black spots on the skin, crocodile versions of the ribs organ seen in fish and many amphibians, although arising from completely different origins. These pigmented nodules wrap around a collection of nerve fibers supplied beneath by the trigeminal nerve branches. They responded to slight disturbances on the surface of the water, detecting vibrations and small pressure changes as small as a drop. This allows crocodiles to detect prey, danger and intruders, even in total darkness. These sense organs are known as prolonged pressure receptors (DPR).
Post-Caudal : Although alligators and caiman have only parliamentarians in their jaws, crocodiles have similar organs at almost every scale on their bodies. The function of the House in his jaw is clear; to capture prey, but it is still unclear what the function of the organs in the whole body. The receptor flattens when exposed to increased osmotic pressure, as experienced when swimming in hyperosmotic sea water to body fluids. When the contact between the integument and the surrounding seawater solution is blocked, the crocodiles are found to lose their ability to differentiate salinity. It has been proposed that the flattening of sensory organs in hyperosmotic seawater is perceived by animals as "touch", but is interpreted as chemical information about its surroundings. This is probably why on crocodiles they do not exist all over the body.
Hunting and diet
Crocodile is an ambush predator, waiting for the fish or land animal to approach, then rush out to attack. Crocodiles eat mostly fish, amphibians, crustaceans, molluscs, birds, reptiles, and mammals, and they sometimes cannibalize smaller crocodiles. What eating crocodiles varies greatly with species, size and age. Of the majority of fish-eating species, such as lean crocodiles and freshwater crocodiles, to larger species such as Nile crocodiles and saltwater crocodiles preying on large mammals, such as buffalo, deer and wild boars, diet shows great diversity. Diet is also strongly influenced by the size and age of individuals within the same species. All young crocodiles hunt mostly invertebrates and small fish, gradually moving to larger prey. Being ectothermic predators (cold-blooded), they have a very slow metabolism, so they can last long without food. Despite their slow appearance, crocodiles have a very fast attack and are the top predators in their environment, and various species have been observed to attack and kill other predators such as sharks and big cats. As an opportunistic predator, crocodiles will also prey on young elephants and hippos and die when given a chance. Crocodiles are also known as aggressive scavengers who eat carrion and steal from other predators. Evidence shows that crocodiles also eat fruits, based on the discovery of seeds in the stool and stomach from many subjects and their fed accounts.
Crocodiles have the most acidic stomach of any vertebrate. They can easily digest bones, nails and horns. BBC TV reports that Nile crocodiles that have been lurking underwater to catch prey build large oxygen debt. When he had captured and eaten the prey, he closed the arch of his right aorta and used the left aortic arch to water the carbon dioxide loaded from his muscles directly into his stomach; excessive excess acidity in the blood supply makes it easier for the stomach lining to release more stomach acid to quickly dissolve the fleshy bulks of bacon and swallowed prey. Many large crocodiles swallow stones (called gastroliths or gastric stones), which can act as a weight to balance their bodies or help destroy food, similar to the sand digested by birds. Herodotus claims that the Nile crocodile has a symbiotic relationship with certain birds, such as the Egyptian plover, which goes into the crocodile's mouth and takes the leech that feeds the crocodile's blood; without evidence of this interaction actually happening to crocodile species, most likely myth or allegory allegory.
Because they eat by grabbing and holding their prey, they have evolved sharp teeth to pierce and hold meat, and strong muscles to cover the jaw and hold them. Teeth are not suitable for tearing meat from large prey items such as teeth and claws from many carnivorous mammals, hooked bills and talcial bird claws, or jagged shark teeth. However, this is an advantage rather than a disadvantage for crocodiles because the properties of teeth make it possible to hold prey with the smallest possibility of game animals to escape. If it is not combined with incredibly high bite strength, the meat will be easy to cut; thus creating an escape opportunity for prey items. The jaw can bite with great strength, as far as the strongest bite of any animal. The strength of large crocodile bites is more than 5,000 lbf (22,000 N), measured in 5.5 m (18 ft) Nile crocodile, in the field, compared to only 335 lbf (1.490Ã, N) for Rottweiler, 670 lbf (3,000Ã , N) for large white sharks, 800 lbf (3,600 N) for hyenas, or 2,200 lbf (9,800 N) for American alligators. A 5.2 m (17 feet) saltwater alligator has been confirmed to have the strongest bite strength ever recorded for animals in the laboratory. It is capable of applying a bite strength value of 3,700 lbf (16,000 N), and thus surpasses the previous record of 2,125 lbf (9.450 N) made by American alligators along the 3.9 m (13 ft). By measuring some 5.2 m (17 ft) crocodiles as a reference, the bite strength of an individual 6-m is estimated at 7,700 lbf (34,000 N). The study led by Dr. Gregory M. Erickson, also describes a larger and extinct crocodile species. Since the anatomy of crocodiles has changed only slightly over the past 80 million years, recent data on modern crocodiles can be used to estimate the bite strength of extinct species. An 11 to 12 meter (36-39 ft) long Deinosuchus will apply a strength of 23,100 lbf (103,000 N), double the approximate strength of Tyrannosaurus's latest bite force. The extraordinary bite of crocodiles is the result of their anatomy. Space for the jaw muscles in the skull is very large, which is easily visible from the outside as a bulge on each side. The muscular nature is very stiff, almost as hard as a bone to touch, as if it were the continuum of the skull. Another feature is that most of the muscles in the crocodile's jaw are set to clamp downward. Although the muscles are strong to cover the jaw, the crocodile has very small and weak muscles to open the jaw. Crocodiles can thus be subdued to be studied or transported by recording their jaws or holding their jaws closed with large rubber cut from the inner tube of the car.
Crocodiles can move quickly within a short distance, even out of the water. The record of ground velocity for crocodiles is 17 km/h (11 mph) measured in freshwater crocodile Australia. Maximum speed varies between species. Some species can race, including Cuban crocodiles, Johnston crocodiles, Crocodile crocodiles, African dwarf crocodiles, and even small Nile crocodiles. The fastest way used by most species to move is the "run of the stomach", where the body moves in a snake-like (sinusoidal) style, the stretched limb to one side paddles away frantically while the whip's tail is to and fro. Crocodiles can reach speeds of 10-11 km/h (6-7 mph) when they "run off the stomach", and often faster if slipping on the banks of a muddy river. When a crocodile walks quickly, he holds his feet in an upright and more upright position under his body, called "high walk". This walk allows speeds of up to 5 km/h.
Crocodiles may have homing instincts. In northern Australia, three mischievous saltwater crocodiles were moved 400 km (249 mi) by helicopter, but returned to their original location within three weeks, based on data obtained from the tracking device attached to them.
Measuring crocodile age is unreliable, although some techniques are used to get a reasonable guess. The most common method is to measure flattened growth rings in bones and teeth - each ring corresponds to a change in the rate of growth that usually occurs once a year between wet and dry seasons. Given these inaccuracies, it can be safely said that all species of crocodiles have an average age of at least 30-40 years, and in the case of larger species an average of 60-70 years. The oldest crocodile seems to be the largest species. C. porosus is estimated to live about 70 years on average, with limited evidence of some individuals over 100 years.
In captivity, some people claim to have lived more than a century. A male crocodile lives up to the age of 110-115 years in a Russian zoo in Yekaterinburg. Named Kolya, he joined the zoo from 1913 to 1915, grew up, after a tour of an animal show, and lived until 1995. A fresh-water crocodile lived up to the age of about 120-140 years at the Australian Zoo. Known fondly as "Mr. Freshie", he was rescued around 1970 by Bob Irwin and Steve Irwin, after being shot twice by hunters and losing his eye as a result, and living until 2010. The Crocworld Conservation Center, in Scottburgh, South Africa, claims to have a crocodile The male Nile was born in 1900. Named Henry, the crocodon is said to live in Botswana along the Okavango River, according to central director Martin Rodrigues.
Social behavior and vocalization
Crocodiles are the most social of reptiles. Although they do not form social groups, many species gather in certain parts of the river, tolerate each other during feeding and sunbathing. Most species are not highly territorial, with the exception of saltwater crocodiles, which are very territorial and aggressive species. Mature males will not tolerate other men at any time of the year. Most other species are more flexible. There is a certain hierarchy of crocodiles: the largest and heaviest stud is at the top, having access to the best sunbathing sites, while women are a priority as long as the group feeds a large carcass or carcass. A good example of crocodile hierarchy is the case of the Nile crocodile. This species clearly displays all of these behaviors. Studies in this field are not comprehensive, and many species have not been studied in more detail. Crocodile crocodiles are also known to show tolerance in group feeding and tend to congregate in certain areas. However, males of all species are aggressive towards each other during the breeding season, to gain access to females.
Crocodiles are also the most vocal of all reptiles, producing various sounds during various situations and conditions, depending on species, age, size and gender. Depending on the context, some species can communicate over 20 different messages through vocalizations only. Some of these vocalizations are made during social communication, especially during the territorial exhibition to the same sex and courtship as opposed to the opposite sex; common concern is reproduction. Hence the most specialized vocalizations made during the breeding season, with the exception being the year-round territorial behavior in some species and the contention during the meal. Crocodiles also produce different distress calls and in an aggressive look for their own and other types of animals; especially other predators during interspecific predation confrontation over carcasses and terrestrial killing.
Specialized vocalizations include -
Tweet : When to hatch, the young makes a "peek" sound, which pushes the female to dig the nest. The woman then collects the turtle boys in her mouth and transports them to the water, where they remain in groups for several months, protected by females.
Emergency calls : High-pitched calls commonly used by younger animals to warn other crocodiles of any dangers or animals to be attacked.
Call threats : Sounds of hiss which have also been described as coughing sounds.
Hatch Call : Beamed by a female during breeding to remind other crocodiles that she has spawn in her nest.
Bellowing : Male crocodiles are very vigorous. Choruses' screams are most common in spring when breeding groups are gathered, but can occur at any time of the year. Downstairs, men look fluffy as they lift the tail and head out of the water, slowly waving the tail back and forth. They then puffed their throats and with their mouths closed, starting to shake the air. Just before shouting, men project an infrasonic signal of about 10 Hz through water, which vibrates the ground and nearby objects. This low-frequency vibration travels long distances through both air and water to advertise a man's presence and is so powerful that it produces water that appears to "dance".
Crocodiles lay eggs, which are placed in holes or nests of mounds, depending on the species. Hole nests are usually excavated in the sand and mound nests are usually built from vegetation. The nesting period starts from a few weeks to six months. The courtship takes place in a series of behavioral interactions that include various snubs and obedient look that can take a long time. Mating always takes place in the water, where the couple can be observed mating several times. Females can build or dig some experimental nests that seem incomplete and abandoned later. Egg laying is usually done at night and about 30-40 minutes. Females strongly protect their nest and young. Hard eggs peeled, but translucent at the time of laying. Depending on the species of crocodile, 7 to 95 eggs are laid. Aloe embryos do not have sex chromosomes, and unlike humans, sex is not genetically determined. Gender is determined by temperature, where at 30 ° C (86 à ° F) or less hatch most are female and at 31 ° C (88 ° F), the offspring is of both sexes. Temperature 32-33 à ° C (90 to 91 à ° F) gives most men whereas above 33 à ° C (91 à ° F) in some species continues to provide males, but in other species produce females, which is sometimes called a high temperature woman. Temperature also affects the growth and survival rate of young people, which can explain sexual dimorphism in crocodiles. The average incubation period is about 80 days, and also depends on temperatures and species that typically range from 65 to 95 days. The eggshell structure is very conservative through evolution but there are enough changes to differentiate species from their eggshell microstructures.
At the time of hatching, young start calling in eggs. They have an egg tooth at the tip of their snout, developed from the skin, and it helps them penetrate the shell. Hearing the call, women usually dig up the nest and sometimes take the eggs that have not hatched in their mouths, slowly rolling the eggs to help the process. The young ones are usually brought to the water in the mouth. He will then introduce his children to the water and even feed them. The mother will then take care of her children for more than a year before the next breeding season. In the absence of a mother crocodile, the father will act in his place to care for the children. However, even with sophisticated parenting, young crocodiles have a very high mortality rate because of their vulnerability to predation. A group of hatchlings is called a pod or cr̮'̬che and can be protected for months.
Crocodiles have advanced cognitive abilities. They can observe and use prey behavior patterns, such as when prey comes to the river to drink at the same time each day. Vladimir Dinets of the University of Tennessee, observes that crocodiles use twigs as bait for birds looking for nesting material. They place a stick on their muzzle and partially drown themselves. When the birds swoop down to get a stick, the crocodile then catches the bird. Crocodiles only do this in spring nesting birds, when there is a high demand for a stick to be used to build the nest. Vladimir also found other similar observations from various scientists, some dating from the 19th century. In addition to using a stick, crocodiles are also able to hunt cooperatively. A large number of crocodiles swim in a circle to trap the fish and take turns picking it up. In pursuit of larger prey, the crocodile huddles, with one holding its prey down when others tear it.
Taxonomy and phylogeny
Most species are grouped into the genus Crocodylus . Other remaining genus, Osteolaemus , is monotypic (like Mecistops , if known).
- Subfamily Crocodylinae
- Genus Crocodylus
- Crocodylus acutus , American crocodiles Crocodylus cataphractus, slim-skinned crocodiles (studies in DNA and morphology suggest that this species may be more basalt than Crocodylus, thus belonging to its own genus, Mecistops i>).
- Crocodylus intermedius , Orinoco crocodiles
- Crocodylus johnsoni , freshwater crocodile, or Johnstone crocodile
- Crocodylus mindorensis , Philippine crocodiles
- Crocodylus moreletii , Morelet crocodiles or Mexican crocodiles
- Crocodylus niloticus , Nile crocodiles or African crocodiles (subspecies found in Madagascar sometimes called black crocodiles)
- Crocodylus novaeguineae , New Guinea crocodiles
- Crocodylus palustris , robbers, crocodiles or Indian crocodiles
- Crocodylus porosus , saltwater crocodiles or estuaries crocodiles
- Crocodylus rhombifer , Cuban crocodiles
- Crocodylus siamensis , Siamese crocodiles (possibly extinct in the wild)
- Crocodylus suchus , West African crocodiles, deserts or crocodiles
- Genus Crocodylus
- Genus Osteolaemus
Osteolaemus tetraspis , dwarf alligator (There is a controversy over whether these are really two species; recently (2010) DNA analysis shows three different species: O. tetraspis , O. osborni and the third one, which is not currently named.)
The cladogram below follows the topology of the 2012 morphological analysis by Christopher A. Brochu and Glenn W. Storrs. Many extinct species from Crocodylus may represent different genera. "Crocodylus" pigotti, for example, is placed in the newly established genus Brochuchus in 2013. C. suchus is not included because its morphological encoding is identical to the < i> C. niloticus . However, the authors suggest that the lack of discrepancies is due to limited sample specimens, and assume the two species are different. This analysis found weak support for the Osteolaeminae clade. Brochu was named Osteolaeminae in 2003 as a Crocodylidae subfamily separate from Crocodylinae, but the group was classified in Crocodylinae. This includes the living genus of Osteolaemus and the extinct species Voy robustus and Rimasuchus lloydi.
A 2013 analysis by Jack L. Conrad, Kirsten Jenkins, Thomas Lehmann, and others do not support Osteolaeminae as an actual clade but rather a paraphyletic group consisting of two smaller clades. They informally call these clades "osteolaemins" and "mecistopins". "Osteolaemins" include Osteolaemus , Voay , Rimasuchus , and Brochuchus and "mecistopins" including Mecistops and Euthecodon .
Relationships with humans
Danger in humans
Bigger crocodile species are very dangerous for humans, especially because of their ability to attack before the person can react. The saltwater crocodiles and the Nile crocodiles are the most dangerous, killing hundreds of people every year in parts of Southeast Asia and Africa. Crocodile robbers and American crocodiles are also harmful to humans.
Crocodiles are protected in many parts of the world, but they also farm commercially. Their skin is tanned and used to make leather goods such as shoes and bags; crocodile meat is also considered delicious. The most widely cultivated species are salt water and Nile crocodiles, while hybrids from salt water and rare Siamese crocodiles are also raised in Asian agriculture. Agriculture has resulted in an increase in saltwater crocodile populations in Australia, since eggs are usually harvested from the wild, so landowners have an incentive to conserve their habitat. Crocodile leather can be used as goods such as wallets, briefcases, purses, bags, belts, hats, and shoes. Crocodile oil has been used for various purposes. Crocodiles are eaten by the Vietnamese while they are taboo and forbidden to the Chinese. Vietnamese women who marry Chinese men adopt Chinese taboo. Crocodile meat is sometimes eaten as an "exotic" delicacy in the western world.
In religion
Crocodiles have appeared in various forms of religion around the world. Ancient Egypt had Sobek, a crocodile-headed deity, with Crocodilopolis his cult city, as well as Taweret, a goddess of fertility and birthing, with a back and a crocodile tail. The Jukun Temple in Wukari Federation, Nigeria is dedicated to crocodiles as a thank-you for their help during the migration.
Crocodiles appear in various forms in Hinduism. Varuna, the god of the Vedas and Hindus, rode a partial-crocodile makara; his wife Varuni riding a crocodile. Similarly the personification of the Ganges and Yamuna river goddesses is often described as riding crocodiles. Also in India, in Goa, crocodile worship is performed, including the annual ceremony of Mannge Thapnee .
In Latin America, Cipactli is a giant aquatic crocodile of the Aztecs and other Nahua tribes.
Crocodile tears
The term "tears of crocodiles" (and equivalents in other languages) refers to the appearance of false and insincere emotions, such as the hypocritical tear of false tears. It is derived from ancient anecdotes that crocodiles cry to provoke their prey, or that they weep for the sacrifices they eat, first told in Bibliotheca by Photios I of Constantinople. The story is repeated in bestiaries such as De bestiis et aliis boiled . The story is first spread in English in the stories of Sir John Mandeville's Journey of the Fourteenth Century, and appears in several Shakespeare plays. In fact, crocodiles can and do produce tears, but they do not really cry.
The Surabaya Shark and Crocodile
The name Surabaya, Indonesia, is locally believed to be derived from the words " suro" (shark) and " boyo" (crocodiles), two creatures who, in local myth, fought each other others to get the title of "the strongest and strongest animal" in the area. It is said that two powerful animals agree to a ceasefire and set limits; that shark domains will be in the ocean while crocodile domains will be on land. But one day the shark swam into the mouth of the river to hunt, this angered the crocodile, who declared it his territory. Sharks argue that a river is a water region meaning that it is a shark region, while crocodiles argue that rivers flow deep in the interior, so therefore it is the crocodile region. A fierce battle continues as the two animals bite each other. Eventually the shark was bitten and escaped into the open sea, and the crocodile finally controlled the estuary area that is now the city.
Another source pertains to the Jayabaya prophecy - a 12th-century paranormal king of Kediri Kingdom - because he foresaw fights between the giant white shark and the gigantic white crocodile that occurred in the area, which is sometimes interpreted as a prophecy of the Mongol Invasion of Java, a major conflict between the forces of Kublai Khan, the ruler of the Mongol Chinese, and the men of Majapahit Raden Wijaya in 1293. The two animals are now used as a symbol of the city, with two facing each other and spinning around each other, as depicted in a statue right near entrance to the city zoo (see photo on Surabaya page).
Crocodile (walking)
In the UK, a row of schoolchildren in pairs, or two after another known as 'crocodiles'.
See also
Further reading
- Iskandar, DT (2000). Turtles and Crocodile of Insular Southeast Asia and New Guinea . ITB, Bandung.
- Crocodile Biology Database, FAQ., "How long does a crocodile live for?" [ sic ] Adam Britton.
- Crocodile Biology Database, FAQ., "How fast can a crocodile run?" Adam Britton.
External links
- Media related to Crocodilia on Wikimedia Commons
- Crocodile Online
- Crocodile Biology Database
- Crocodile Attack in Australia
- The BBC News finds a powerful agent in crocodile blood
- The world's most expensive handbags are sold in Hong Kong for more than US $ 377,000 - Hermal's white crocodile (May 31, 2017), South China Morning Post
Source of the article : Wikipedia