Sabtu, 30 Juni 2018

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Why Your Vision Statement Matters -

The vision statement is a declaration of organizational goals, intended to guide its internal decision-making. The vision statement is not limited to business organizations and may also be used by nonprofit or government entities.

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Definisi dan struktur

A vision statement is a corporate roadmap, showing what the company wants and guiding transformational initiatives by setting clear directions for growth. The vision statement has a minimal revision during business life, unlike operational goals that can be updated from year to year. Vision statements can range from short sentences to multiple pages. The vision statement is also formally written and referred to in company documents rather than, for example, general principles articulated by senior management.

A vision statement is "An aspirational description of what the organization wants to achieve or achieve in the medium or long term, which is intended to serve as a clear guide to choosing current and future action."

Consensus does not exist on the characteristics of a "good" or "bad" vision statement. Characters that are usually quoted include:

  • succinct: it can be easily remembered and repeated
  • clear: defines the main purpose
  • Horizon time: defines the time horizon
  • future oriented: explains where the company is going from the current state
  • stable: offers a long-term perspective and is unlikely to be affected by market or technological changes
  • challenging: not something that can easily be filled and discarded
  • abstract: it is common to cover all organizational interests and strategic directions
  • inspires: motivates employees and is something that employees see as desired

Maps Vision statement


The vision statement can fill the following functions for the company:

  • Works as a foundation for a broader strategic plan
  • Motivate existing employees and attract potential employees by clearly categorizing company goals and attracting like-minded individuals
  • Focus the company's efforts and facilitate the creation of core competencies by directing the company to focus only on strategic opportunities that advance the company's vision
  • Helps companies differentiate from competitors. For example, profit is a general business goal, and vision statements typically illustrate how a company will become profitable rather than making a direct list of earnings as a long-term vision


While a consensus does not exist on the value of mission and vision statements, the literature that supports the relevance of these documents with the company exceeds those who oppose it. This may be because, among other reasons, the positive value of the tool in communicating with internal and external stakeholders or retrospective efforts to legitimize the use of these tools.

Vision Statement vs Mission Statement - YouTube


Creating and implementing a vision statement presents a challenge for the organization. They can be challenging to write because they have to balance ahead and describe the ideal state without being so idealistic that the vision can not be achieved. A vision statement can be an employee's dissatisfaction when the staff feels that the company's vision is filled with business keywords unrelated to the company's services or when the vision does not conform to the company's day-to-day policy; for example, a vision statement that includes problem-solving root causes while managers are rewarded for fixing problems quickly rather than solving systemic problems. The vision statement may need to be paired with corporate initiatives to communicate and strengthen the vision, ensure the process aligns with the vision, and empowers and encourages employees to take actions that support the company's vision.

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See also

  • Strategic planning
  • Mission statement
  • Markup Language Strategy

Vision and Mission Statement of Companies - YouTube


Source of the article : Wikipedia
