Interboro School District is a suburban high school district located southeast of Pennsylvania, just outside Philadelphia in Delaware County. Interboro School District covers about 11 square miles. The district consists of four communities: the Glenolden district, Norwood, and Prospect Park, and the City of Tinicum. At one time the area was divided into separate school districts: Glen-Nor, Prospect Park, and Lester. In 1955 Glen-Nor and Prospect Park joined Lester later. The first graduation of the Interboro High School class in 1956 with 125 members. According to 2000 federal census data, the Interboro School District serves a population of 24,408. In 2009, the per capita income of the district population was $ 19,983, while the average family income was $ 51,323. In the Commonwealth, the average family income was $ 49.501 and the average family income of the United States was $ 49,445, in 2010. According to Interboro District School officials, in the 2007-08 school year, the District provided basic education services for 3,883 students. Interboro School District employs: 291 teachers, 285 full-time and part-time support personnel, and 17 administrators. The Interboro School District received over $ 13.2 million in state funding in the 2007-08 school year.
Video Interboro School District
There are 6 schools in this district:
- Interboro High School
Value 9-12 | Headmaster: Paul Gibson School Website
- Glenolden School
Located in Glenolden, PA serves children from Borough Grades 1-8 | Headmaster: Rachel Lambert School Website
In 2011, 70% of grade 3-8 students read at the grade level. Mathematics 81% of Grades 3-8 at grade level. Science classes 4 - 83% at class and grade level 8 - 58%.
- Norwood School
Located in Norwood, Pennsylvania. | serving the children in the district of Norwood Grades 1-8 | Headmaster: Daniel Mills
In 2011, 77% of grade 3-8 students read at the grade level. Mathematics 79% of Grades 3-8 at class level. Science classes 4 - 93% at the grade and grade level 8 - 65%.
- Prospect Park School
Located in Prospect Park, Pennsylvania. Serving the children at Prospect Park Grades 1-8 | Headmaster: Website Paul Korinth
In 2011, 76% of grade 3-8 students read at the grade level. 80% Mathematics from 3-8 Grades at grade level. Science classes 4 - 85% in class and grade level 8 - 51%.
- School Tinicum
Located in Tinicum, Pennsylvania. | Serving students at Tinicum, Lester and Essington. Value 1-8 | Headmaster: Mr. Tim Fanning School
In 2011, 72% of 3-8 grade students read at the grade level. Mathematics 89% of Grades 3-8 at the grade level. Science classes 4 - 92% in class and grade level 8 - 58%. In 2010, the school received the Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence award from the US Department of Education. Tinicum is one of 14 schools - 12 public and two private - that received the Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence award in Pennsylvania. This award recognizes schools whose students reach at a very high level or have made significant progress and help close the gap in achievement especially among disadvantaged and minority students.
- Interboro Kindergarten Academy
Located in Prospect Park, PA Grades Kindergarten and Transitional First Grade | Headmaster: Ms. Nancy DeSanctis School Web Site
Maps Interboro School District
Academic achievement
The Interboro School District ranks 348 out of 498 Pennsylvania school districts in 2011, by the Pittsburgh Business Times. Ranking is based on four years of academic performance of students on reading, writing, math and two years of PSSA science.
- 2010 - 343
- 2009 - 307
- 2008 - 322
- 2007 - 320 out of 501 school districts.
In 2011, the Pittsburgh Business Times also reported Overachievers Rating for 498 Pennsylvania school districts. The Interboro School District is ranked 404th. In 2010, the district was 455. The editor describes the ratings as: "ranked answer questions - which school district is better than expected on the basis of the economy? This rank rank Honor Roll and add the percentage of students in districts eligible for free lunch and low prices into the formula.A high-ranking district on this rank is destroying expectations, and each district above the median point exceeds expectations. "
In 2009, the academic achievement of Interboro District School students was in the 43rd percentile among the 500 Pennsylvania school districts. Scale - (0-99; 100 is the best)
Passing rate
In 2011, the passing rate was 92%. In 2010, the Pennsylvania Department of Education issued a new 4-year cohort graduation rate. The passing rate of the state of Pennsylvania was reduced to 78% for 2010. No data for selected districts has been released.
- According to traditional graduation rate
- 2010 - 95%
- 2009 - 95%
- 2008 - 95%
- 2007 - 95% High school
- 2011 - 70% at the class level, (13% below the base). State - 69.1% of grade 11 students are at the grade level.
- 2010 - 62% (19% below the base). State - 66%
- 2009 - 61% (18% below the base). Country - 65%
- 2008 - 63% (17% below the base). Country - 65%
- 2007 - 65% (16% below the base). Country - 65%
- 2011 - 57%, at grade level (21% below base). In Pennsylvania, 60.3% of 11th graders are at the grade level.
- 2010 - 61% (25% below base). State - 59%
- 2009 - 55% (28% below base). State - 56%.
- 2008 - 52% (26% below base). State - 56%
- 2007 - 55% (21% below base). Country - 53%
- 2011 - 42% at grade level (13% below base). State - 40% of 11th graders are at the grade level.
- 2010 - 28% (22% below base). State - 39%
- 2009 - 32% (19% below base). State - 40%
- 2008 - 21% (19% below base) s. State - 39%
Interboro High School is located in Prospect Park, Pennsylvania. In 2010, he served 1,272 students with 89 teachers. In 2011, the school refused to Second Correction Action II status for low chronic student achievement. In 2010, the school is in, Making Progress: in the Status of Corrective Action I due to low student achievement especially in mathematics. Under No Child Left Behind the school is required to offer students the right to move to a successful secondary school in the district. Nothing is there. Schools are requested by the PA Department of Education to develop school improvement plans. Due to low student achievement, schools are eligible for additional state funds (School Improvement Grant) to improve student achievement in reading, math and science. This school is one of 37 public schools across the state whose student achievements have fallen to this level in 2011.
Classroom Reading 11
Mathematics Grade 11:
Science Class 11:
College remediation rate
According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education study released in January 2009, 61% of Interboro high school graduates need improvements in mathematics and/or reading before they are ready to take college level courses in Pennsylvania State University System or college. Less than 66% of Pennsylvania's high school graduates, enrolled in a four-year college in Pennsylvania, will earn a bachelor's degree in six years. Among high school graduates of Pennsylvania pursuing an associate degree, only one out of three graduates in three years. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, one of three recent high school graduates studying at public universities and public universities in Pennsylvania needs at least one remedial course in mathematics, reading or English.
Double enrollment Secondary schools offer Pennsylvania's double enrollment program that allows students to earn college credits at a high discount while still enrolled in high school. The program is offered through more than 400 school districts with the help of state grants.
Passing requirements
The Interboro School Board has determined that students must earn 23 credits to graduate, including: 3 mathematics credits, 4 English credits, 4 credit history, 3 sciences credits, Physical Education 1 credit, 0,5 credits health, Computer courses 0.5 credit, family and Consumer Science 0.5 credit and electives. Students must earn at least 4.5 credits to be promoted to class 10. To move to Class 11, students must earn a minimum of 10.5 credits. To enter the 12th grade, a student must earn a minimum of 16.5 credits.
By law, all Pennsylvania high school students must complete the project as part of their eligibility to graduate from high school. The type of project, its accuracy, and its expectations are determined by each school district.
Under the rules of the Pennsylvania School Board, for the 2015 and 2016 graduation classes, students must demonstrate successful completion of middle-level course work in Algebra I, Biology, English Composition, and Literature The Keystone Exam serves as a final course exam. The Keystone Student Test Score will be calculated for at least one third of the final grade grade.
SAT Score
From January to June 2011, 181 Interboro High School students took the SAT exam. The district Verbal average score is 461. The average Mathematics score is 468. The average score of Writing is 445. Pennsylvania ranks 40th among states with SAT scores: Verbal - 493, Maths - 501, Writing - 479. In the United States 1.65 million students take the exam in 2011. They average Verbal 497 (out of 800), Mathematics - 514 and in writing - 489.
Special education
In December 2010, the district government reported that 713 students or 19.8% of the district students received Special Education services. Fifty-eight percent of students identified have learning disabilities.
In 2010, the state of Pennsylvania provided $ 1,026,815,000 for special education services. This funding is in addition to basic state education per pupil funding, as well as, all other state and federal funding. Pennsylvania Special Education funding system assumes that 16% of district students receive special education services. It also assumes that each student's needs increase at the same cost. The state requires each district to have a three-year special education plan to meet the unique needs of its education students in particular. Overidentification of students in order to increase state funding has become a problem in the Commonwealth. Some districts have more than 20% of students who receive special education services while others have 10% support through special education.
The Interboro School District received a $ 1,952,170 supplement for special education services in 2010. For the 2011-12 school year, all Pennsylvania public school districts receive the same level of funding for the special education they received in 2010. This level of financing is provided regardless of changes in the number of students who need special education services and regardless of the level of service required by the students concerned.
Gifted education
The District Administration reported that 111 or 2.87% of the students were rewarded in 2009. By law, the district must provide mentally gifted programs at all grade levels. The referral process for a gifted evaluation can be initiated by a teacher or parent by contacting the student's principal and requesting an evaluation. All requests must be made in writing. In order to qualify for a mentally gifted program in Pennsylvania, a student must have at least 130 cognitive abilities measured on a standard-ability test by a certified school psychologist. Other factors that indicate the gift will also be considered for eligibility.
School security and intimidation
School district administrations reported zero incidents of bullying in the district in 2009. However, there were 11 battle incidents.
Interboro School Board has not provided a district antibody online policy. All Pennsylvania schools are required to have an anti-bullying policy incorporated into their Student Code of Conduct. The policy should identify disciplinary action for bullying and appoint school staff to receive complaints about oppression. The policy should be available on the school website and posted in each class. All Pennsylvania public schools should provide copies of the anti-bullying policy to the Office for Safe Schools each year, and should review their policies every three years. In addition, districts should conduct an annual review of the policy with students. The Center for Schools and Communities works in partnership with the Pennsylvania Commission for Crime & amp; Delinquency and Education Department of Pennsylvania to help schools and communities as they research, select and implement bullying prevention programs and initiatives.
Education standards related to student safety and antiharassment programs are described in 10.3. Prevention of Safety and Injury in Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Health, Safety and Physical Education.
Health policy
The School Board established district health policy in 2006. This policy deals with nutritious food served in schools, controls access to some food and beverages during school hours, appropriate nutritional education age for all students, and physical education for K-12 students. This policy is in response to state mandate and federal legislation (P.L. 108 - 265). The law stipulates that each school district participating in a program authorized by the National Lunch Act of the Richard B. Russell School (42 USC 1751 et seq) or the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 USC 1771 et seq) "will constitute health local school policy by School Year 2006. "
This law places responsibility for developing health policies at the local level so that individual needs of each district can be addressed. According to the requirements for the Local Health Policy, the school district should set goals for nutrition education, physical activity, campus feeding, and other school-based activities designed to improve student health. In addition, districts were asked to involve a large group of individuals in policy development and have plans to measure policy implementation. Districts are offered a choice of application levels to limit or ban nutritious low-cost meals on school campuses. In the last implementation of this regulation prohibits some food and beverages on the school campus. The Pennsylvania Department of Education requires districts to submit copies of the policy for approval.
In 2009, districts reported employing more than 300 teachers and administrators with a salary range of $ 45,000 to $ 94,352.
In 2007, the district employed 256 teachers. The average teacher salary in the district is $ 63,107 for 180 working days. In 2007, Pennsylvania ranked in the top 10 states in average teacher salaries. When adjusted for the living cost of Pennsylvania ranked fourth in the country for teacher compensation. In addition, teachers receive defined benefit pensions, health insurance, reimbursement of professional development expenses, paid personal days, 10 days of paid sickness, and other benefits.
The cost of administering the Interboro District School per pupil in 2008 was $ 958.81 per student. It ranks 78 out of 500 Pennsylvania school districts. The lowest administrative cost per student in Pennsylvania is $ 398 per student. The Pennsylvania School Boards Association stores statistics on public school district staff salaries in Pennsylvania. According to the association's report, the average salary for a superintendent, for the 2007-08 school year, is $ 122,165. Superintendents and administrators receive benefits packages commensurate to those offered to the district teachers union. In 2010, the inspector was criticized for filling the distance to the district for his journey from New Jersey to work. He is also accused of inflating the milage on the way. Interboro hired Hackers as Superintendent in February 2010 with a contract providing an annual salary of $ 163,000 with a profit, the total cost of the contract would be over $ 200,000. In 2011, the district report had 17 administrators.
Reserves In 2008, the districts reported $ 4,988,866.00 in funds that were not backed up. A fund balance that is not well designed is reported as $ 3,514,346.00. In 2010, unspecified designated funds were $ 3,811,181.00, while the unspecified fund balance was $ 3,424,356.00. The PA school district reserve fund is divided into two categories - defined and not designed. Funds that are not designed are not committed to the planned project. Designated funds and other funds, such as capital reserves, are allocated to certain projects. School districts are required by state law to retain 5 percent of their annual expenditure in reserve funds that are not designed to maintain bond ratings. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, from 2003 to 2010, overall, the Pennsylvania school district collected nearly $ 3 billion in reserve funds.
In 2008, district governments reported that spending per student was $ 12,700 ranked 220 among 501 Pennsylvania school districts. In 2010 spending per pupil has increased to $ 14,848.51 Among the states, Pennsylvania's total income per pupil (including all sources) ranked 11th at $ 15.023 per student, in 2008-09. In 2007, the total expenditure per student per Pennsylvania was $ 12,759.
In April 2011, the Pennsylvania Public Auditor conducted an Interboro School District performance audit. The findings were reported to the school board and administration.
The district is funded by a combination of local income taxes, property taxes, 0.5% real estate transfer taxes, plus major funding from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the federal government. At Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, retirement income and Social Security income are exempt from state personal income tax and local income taxes, regardless of personal wealth.
Funding of basic country education
In 2011-12, the district received an allocation of $ 8,019,264, from the Funding for Basic Education of the country. In addition, the School District received $ 215,928 in funding Blockability Accountability Fund. The Pennsylvania state education budget set forth includes $ 5,354,629,000 for the allocation of the Basic Education Fund 2011-2012. This amount is an increase of $ 233,290,000 (4.6%) of the applicable State appropriations for 2010-2011. The highest increase in state funding of basic education was provided to Duquesne City School District, which received a 49% increase in state funding for 2011-12. In 2010, the district reported that 1,068 students received a free lunch or a discount, due to federal poverty level family meetings.
In the 2010-2011 fiscal year, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania gave Ã,% 2 an increase in Basic Education Funding for a total of $ 8,620,245. Among the districts of Delaware County, the highest increase went to the Southeast Delco School District which gained 10.34%. One hundred fifty Pennsylvania school districts received a 2% base increase. The highest increase in 2010-11 went to the Kennett Consolidated School District in Chester County which received a 23.65% increase in state funding.
In the 2009-2010 fiscal year, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provided an 8.57% increase in Funding for Primary Education for a total of $ 8,620,274. Among the districts of Delaware County, the highest increase goes to the Upper Darby School, which gets 11.61%. Funding for Basic State Education to the Interboro School District, in 2008-09, was $ 7,939,867.47. Ninety school districts received a 2% increase. The Muhlenberg School District in Berks County received a 22.21% increase in the funding of the country's basic education in 2009. The number of increases received by each school district was set by the Governor and the Secretary of Education as part of the state budget proposal given every February. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 805 students of the Interboro District School receive a free lunch or price discount due to low family income in the 2007-2008 school year.
Block Grants Accountability
Beginning in 2004-2005, the state launched funding of the Dana Akuntabilitas school. The program has provided $ 1.5 billion to the Pennsylvania school district. The Block Grant Accountability program requires that its taxpayer dollars focus on specific interventions that are likely to improve students' academic performance. These interventions include: teacher training, kindergartens throughout the day, underclass K-class 3, literacy programs and mathematics coaching that give teachers professional development embedded in personal work to improve their teaching, before or after school guidance assistance for students who fought, For 2010-11, districts applied and received $ 586,081 in addition to all other state and federal funding. The district uses funds to provide a kindergarten and full day social service.
Classroom for Future grants
The Classroom Program for the Future provides districts with hundreds of thousands of additional state funds to purchase laptop computers for each core curriculum of high school classes (English, Science, History, Mathematics) and pay teacher training to optimize computer use. The program is funded from 2006-2009. School District does not apply to participate in 2006-07 or 2007-08. This district received $ 188,223 in 2008-09.
Education Help Help
State EAP funding provides ongoing support from tutoring services and other programs to meet the academic needs of eligible students. Funds are available for eligible school districts and full-time career and technology (CTC) centers where one or more schools have failed to meet at least one academic performance target, as set forth in Section 1512-C of the Pennsylvania Public School Code. In 2010-11 Interboro School District received $ 82,933.
Stimulus Federal Grant
The district received an additional $ 326,400 in the ARRA - Federal Stimulus money for use in special programs such as special education and meeting the academic needs of low-income students. Funding is limited to the 2009-10 school year and 2010-2011. Due to the temporary nature of funding, schools are repeatedly warned to use the funds for one-time spending such as gaining equipment, building repairs, training teachers to provide more effective instruction or buying books and software
Competing to Top Grants
District officials applied for a federal race to a Top grant that would provide more than one million dollars in additional federal funding to improve student academic achievement. Participation requires administration, school boards and local union teachers to sign agreements to prioritize improving students' academic success. In Pennsylvania, 120 public school districts and 56 charter schools agree to participate. Pennsylvania is not approved for grants. District failure to agree to participate is referred to as one reason why Pennsylvania is not approved.
Common Cents country initiative
The Interboro School Board was chosen not to participate in the Pennsylvania Cents of Education Common School program. The program calls on the state to audit the district, at no cost to local taxpayers, to identify ways the district can save on dollar taxes. After reviewing the information, the district is not required to implement the recommended cost-savings changes.
Real estate tax
Property tax rates in 2011-12 are set by the school board at 32,2000 factories. Mill is $ 1 tax for every $ 1,000 of the assessed value of the property. The irregular review of property has become a serious problem in the commonwealth because it creates significant tax disparities within a community and across regions. Property tax, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, applies only to real estate - land and buildings. Property taxes are not levied on cars, business inventory, or other private property. Some types of property are exempt from property taxes, including: places of worship, funerals, private social clubs, charities and education and government property. In addition, related services, defects of US military veterans may seek exemptions from paying property taxes. Pennsylvania district school revenue is dominated by two main sources: 1) Collection of property taxes, which cover most (between 75-85%) of local income; and 2) 511 Tax Collection Act, which is about 15% of revenue for the school district. The school district includes municipalities in two districts, each of which has different levels of property tax assessments, requiring equal share of the state board of tax rates between districts.
- 2010-11 - 31.6000 factory
- 2009-10 - 30,8300 grinding.
- 2008-09 - 30,0800 grinding.
- 2007-08 - 29.3500 grinding.
Act 1 Adjusted Index
The Act 1 of 2006 Index regulates the rate at which each school district can raise property taxes in Pennsylvania. Districts are not allowed to raise taxes above the index unless they allow voters to vote by referendum, or they seek an exemption from the State Department of Education. The base index for the 2011-2012 school year is 1.4 percent, but the Act 1 Index can be adjusted higher, depending on a number of factors, such as the property value and personal income of the districts. Law 1 includes 10 exceptions, including: increased pension costs, increased special education expenses, disasters such as fires or floods, increased health insurance costs for contracts in force in 2006 or reduced tax bases. The base index is the average percentage of the statewide average weekly wage increase, as determined by the PA Department of Labor and Industry, for the previous calendar year and the percentage increase in the Employment Cost Index for Primary and Secondary Schools, as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Working in the US Department of Labor, for the previous 12 months ended June 30. For school districts with market value/personal income assistance ratio (MV/PI AR) greater than 0.4000, the index equals the base index multiplied by the sum of 0.75 and MV/PI AR for the current year. In June 2011, the Pennsylvania General Assembly removed six out of ten exceptions in the Index Act 1. The following exceptions are maintained: 1) the cost to pay interest and principal payable arising before September 4, 2004 for the Law of 72 schools and before 27 June 2006 for schools - schools with no laws 72; 2) the cost to pay interest and principal of electoral debt; 3) costs incurred in providing specialized education programs and services (beyond what the State has already paid); and 4) costs due to the increase of more than Index in the distribution of school payments to PSERS (PA employee pension fund) by considering the level of PSERS contribution required by the state.
The School District Adjusted Index untuk School District 2006-2007 hingga 2011-2012.
- 2006-07 - 3,9%, Basis 3,9%
- 2007-08 - 3,4%, Basis 3,4%
- 2008-09 - 4,4%, Basis 4.4%
- 2009-10 - 4,1%, Basis 4,1%
- 2010-11 - 2,9%, Basis 2,9%
- 2011-12 - 1,9%, Basis 1,4%
- 2012-13 - 2,3%, Basis 1,7%
For the 2011-12 school year, the Interboro School Board proposes retirement exceptions to go beyond the Act Index 1. Each year, the Interboro School Board has the option of adopting 1) a resolution in January stating that they will not increase their taxes above their index or 2) budget early in February. A school district that adopts a resolution may not apply to a referendum exemption or ask voters for a tax increase above the inflation index. The specific timeline for this decision is published annually, by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
According to country reports, for the 2011-2012 school year budget, 247 school districts adopted a resolution stating that tax rates would not rise above their index; 250 school districts adopted an initial budget. Of the 250 school districts that adopted the initial budget, 231 adopted a real estate tax rate that exceeded their index. The increase in tax rates in 19 other school districts that adopted the initial budget did not exceed the school district index. Of the districts that seek exemption: 221 using the waiver of pension costs and 171 seeking exemption of Special Education fees. Only 1 school district requested an exception for the Non-Academic School Construction Project, while 1 sought exceptions for election debt for school construction.
The Interboro School Board does not apply to any exceptions to exceed the index of Act 1 for the budget in 2011. For the 2009-10 school budget, the board does not apply for exemptions above the Index. In the spring of 2010, 135 Pennsylvania school councils were asked to exceed the adjusted index. Approval was given to 133 of them and 128 looked for exceptions to increase pension costs.
Property tax takedown
In 2010, the Homestead/Farmstead Property Tax from gambling for the Interboro School District was $ 381 per permanent permanent residence approved. In the district, 5,310 property owners applied for tax relief. The allowance is deducted from the total annual school property tax bill. The property owner applying for help through the local Treasurer's office. Farmers can qualify for farmstead exemption on buildings used for agricultural purposes. The ranch should be at least 10 hectares side by side (40,000 m 2 ) and should be the primary residence of the owner. Farmers can qualify for homeless liberation and agricultural liberation. In Delaware County, 66% of eligible property owners applied for property tax relief in 2009. The highest property tax exemption in Pennsylvania was granted to residents in the Upland School District of Chester in Delaware County who received $ 632 per approved home. This is the third year they are the top recipients.
In addition, the Pennsylvania Property Tax/Rebate Rent program is provided for low-income Pennsylvanians aged 65 and older; widows and widowers aged 50 and older; and people with disabilities age 18 and older. The income limit is $ 35,000 for homeowners. The maximum discount for homeowners and tenants is $ 650. Applicants may exclude half (1/2) from their Social Security revenues, therefore, individuals with incomes greater than $ 35,000 may still qualify for rebates. Individuals must register annually for rebates. This can be taken as an addition to the Homestead/Farmstead Property Tax.
Property taxes in Pennsylvania are relatively high on a national scale. According to the Tax Foundation, Pennsylvania was ranked 11th in the US in 2008 in terms of property taxes paid as a percentage of home value (1.34%) and 12th in the country in terms of property taxes as a percentage of revenue (3.55%).
Community services
Community service is very important for the Interboro School District. A list of community service projects undertaken by students at the Interboro School District.
In 1968, Joe Stillman, then a fifth grader at Prospect Park Elementary will make many of the first allegations abused by his science teacher, Edgar Friedrichs. The allegations by Stillman, and other children were ignored by Robert Castle, principal of Prospect Park, and the supervisor of ISD. The allegations will not be publicly known until two decades later when Friedrichs went to court in Fayette County, West Virginia first for sexual harassment of a 12-year-old boy, then later for sexual harassment, and the murder of another 12-year-old boy..
The district offers a variety of clubs, activities and sports. Eligibility to participate is determined by the school board policy.
Under Pennsylvania law, all K-12 students in the district, including those attending private non-public schools, cyber charter schools, charter schools and those studying at home, are eligible to participate in extracurricular programs, including all athletics. They must meet the same eligibility rules as those enrolled in the district schools.
External links
- Interboro School District
Source of the article : Wikipedia