Senin, 25 Juni 2018

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Good Teachers VS Great Teachers | Education Blog

A teacher (also referred to as schoolteacher or, in some contexts, a educator ) is someone who helps others acquire knowledge, values.

Informally the role of the teacher can be taken by anyone (for example when showing colleagues how to do certain tasks). In some countries, teaching young people of school age can be done in an informal, homeschooling setting, rather than in a formal environment such as a school or college. Some other professions may involve a large number of teaching (eg youth worker, pastor).

In most countries, the teaching of formal students is usually performed by paid professional teachers. This article focuses on those who are employed, as their primary role, to teach others in the context of formal education, such as at school or other place beginning formal education or training.

Video Teacher

Tasks and functions

The role of a teacher can vary between cultures.

Teachers can provide instruction in literacy and numeracy, workmanship or vocational training, art, religion, citizenship, community roles, or life skills.

Formal teaching assignments include preparing lessons according to approved curriculum, providing lessons, and assessing student progress.

The professional task of a teacher can go beyond formal teaching. Outside the classroom teachers can accompany the students on field trips, supervise the study room, assist with the organization of school functions, and serve as supervisors for extracurricular activities. In some educational systems, teachers may have responsibility for student discipline.

Maps Teacher

The competencies and qualities required by teachers

Teaching is a very complex activity. This is partly because teaching is a social practice, occurring in a particular context (time, place, culture, socio-political-economic situation, etc.) and therefore reflects certain contextual values. Factors that influence what is expected (or needed) from teachers including history and tradition, social outlook on educational goals, accepted theories of learning, etc.


The competencies required by a teacher are influenced by the ways in which the role is understood throughout the world. In general, there seem to be four models:

the teacher as the instruction manager;
teachers as carers;
the teacher as an expert learner; and
teachers as cultural and civilian people.

OECD argues that it is necessary to develop a shared definition of skills and knowledge required by teachers, to guide career education and teacher professional development. Some evidence-based international discussions have tried to reach such common understanding. For example, the EU has identified three broad areas of competence required by teachers:

Working with others
Work with knowledge, technology, and information, and
Working in and with the community.

The academic consensus is emerging that what teachers need can be grouped under three headings:

knowledge (such as: the subject matter itself and the knowledge of how to teach it, curricular knowledge, knowledge of the science of education, psychology, judgment etc.)
craft skills (such as lesson planning, using teaching technology, managing students and groups, monitoring and assessing learning, etc.) and
disposition (such as values ​​and important attitudes, beliefs and commitments).



It has been found that teachers who show enthusiasm for subject matter and students can create a positive learning experience. These teachers do not teach by rote but seek to find new activists for the subject matter every day. One of the challenges teachers face is that they may repeatedly cover the curriculum until they begin to feel bored with the subject, and their attitude in turn can make students bored. Students with enthusiastic teachers tend to rate them higher than teachers who do not show high enthusiasm for the subject matter.

Teachers who show enthusiasm can lead to students who are more likely to be engaged, interested, energetic, and curious about learning subject matter. Recent research has found a correlation between teacher enthusiasm and students' intrinsic motivation for learning and vitality in the classroom. Controlled experimental research and exploring students' intrinsic motivation have shown that nonverbal enthusiasm expressions, such as demonstrative movements, varied dramatic movements, and emotional facial expressions, produce students who report higher levels of intrinsic motivation for learning. But even when a teacher's enthusiasm has been shown to increase motivation and increase task involvement, it does not necessarily improve learning outcomes or memory for the material.

There are various mechanisms in which teacher enthusiasm can facilitate higher intrinsic motivation. The teacher's enthusiasm can contribute to the energy-class atmosphere and the enthusiasm that feeds the students' interest and excitement in learning the subject matter. Enthusiastic teachers can also lead students to become more independent in their own learning process. The concept of mere exposure suggests that teacher enthusiasm can contribute to student expectations about intrinsic motivation in the context of learning. Also, enthusiasm can act as a "motivational ornament", increasing student interest with variations, novelty, and surprises from an enthusiastic material presentation from teachers. Finally, the concept of emotional transmission, may also apply; students can become more intrinsically motivated by capturing the enthusiasm and energy of the teacher.

Interact with learners

Research shows that students' motivation and attitudes toward school are closely related to student-teacher relationships. The enthusiastic teachers are very good at creating profitable relationships with their students. Their ability to create an effective learning environment that fosters student achievement depends on the kind of relationship they build with their students. A useful teacher-to-student interaction is essential in linking academic success with personal achievement. Here, personal success is the internal goal of the student to improve himself, while academic success includes the goals he receives from his superiors. A teacher must guide his student in aligning his or her personal goals with academic objectives. Students who receive this positive influence demonstrate stronger self-confidence and better personal and academic success than those who do not have this teacher's interaction.

Students tend to build stronger relationships with friendly and supportive teachers and will demonstrate a deeper interest in the subjects taught by these teachers. Teachers who spend more time interacting and working directly with students are perceived as supportive and effective teachers. Effective teachers have been shown to invite student participation and decision making, allow humor into their classes, and demonstrate willingness to play.

School Teachers Who Were BANNED From Class - YouTube

Teaching qualification

In many countries, a person who wishes to become a teacher must first obtain a qualification or professional credential determined from a university or college. This professional qualification may include pedagogy studies, teaching sciences. Teachers, like other professionals, may have to, or choose to, continue their education once they qualify, a process known as sustainable professional development.

The issue of teacher qualification is related to professional status. In some societies, teachers enjoy equal status with doctors, lawyers, engineers, and accountants, in others, low profession status. In the 20th century, many smart women could not get a job in a company or government so many chose to teach as a standard profession. As women become more acceptable in companies and governments today, it may be more difficult to attract qualified teachers in the future.

Teachers are often asked to undertake an initial education course at the College of Education to ensure that they have the knowledge, competence, and compliance with relevant ethical codes.

There are various bodies designed to instill, preserve and update the professional knowledge and position of teachers. Around the world many teacher schools exist; they can be controlled by the government or by the teacher profession itself.

They are generally established to serve and protect the public interest through certification, regulation, quality control, and enforce standards of practice for the teaching profession.

Professional standards

The function of the teacher's college may include setting clear standards of practice, providing ongoing teacher education, investigating complaints involving members, conducting hearings on allegations of professional offenses and taking appropriate disciplinary action and accrediting teacher education programs. In many situations, teachers in publicly funded schools should be well-regarded members of the college, and private schools may also require that their teachers become college members. In other areas, this role may belong to the State Education Council, the Superintendent of Public Teaching, the State Education Board or other government entity. In other areas Teaching States may be responsible for some or all of these tasks.

Professional error

Harassment by teachers, especially wrong sexual behavior, is increasingly under the spotlight of media and courts. A study by the American Association of University Women reported that 9.6% of students in the United States claim to have received unwanted sexual attention from adults related to education; whether they are a volunteer, bus driver, teacher, administrator or other adult; sometimes during their educational careers.

A study in the UK showed a 0.3% prevalence of sexual harassment by any professional, group including priests, religious leaders, and case workers as well as teachers. It is important to note, however, that this English study is the only of its kind and consists of a "random probability... sample of 2,869 young people between the ages of 18 and 24 in computer-assisted studies" and that the so-called "harassment questions sexual with a professional, "not necessarily a teacher. It is therefore logical to conclude that information about the percentage of offenses by teachers in the UK is not explicitly available and therefore not always reliable. The AAUW study, however, posed the question of fourteen types of sexual harassment and various frequency levels and only included offenses by teachers. "Samples were taken from a list of 80,000 schools to create a storied two stage sample design from 2,065 8th to 11th grade students". Its reliability is measured at 95% with a 4% error margin.

In the United States in particular, some high profile cases such as Debra LaFave, Pamela Rogers, and Mary Kay Letourneau have led to increased oversight of teacher misconduct.

Chris Keates, secretary-general of the National Association of Teachers of Women's School Teachers, said teachers who have sex with students over the age of consent should not be placed on the list of sex offenders and that prosecution for rape by law "is a real anomaly in the law we are concerned about." This has caused anger from child protection groups and parental rights. Concerns labeled pedophile or hebephile have caused some men who like to teach to avoid professions. This has been in some jurisdictions reported to cause shortages of male teachers.

Teacher academy: Windows 10 - Microsoft in Education

Pedagogy and teaching

Teachers facilitate student learning, often in schools or colleges or perhaps in other environments such as outdoors.

The goal is usually achieved through informal or formal approaches to learning, including study programs and lesson plans that teach skills, knowledge or thinking skills. The various ways of teaching are often referred to as pedagogy. When deciding what teaching method teachers use, consider their students' background knowledge, the environment, and their learning objectives as well as the standard curriculum determined by the relevant authorities. Often, teachers help in learning outside the classroom by accompanying students on a field trip. The increasing use of technology, especially the rise of the internet over the past decade, has begun to shape the way teachers approach their roles in the classroom.

The goal is usually a course of study, a lesson plan, or a practical skill. A teacher can follow the standard curriculum as determined by the relevant authorities. Teachers can interact with students of various ages, from infancy to adulthood, students with different abilities and students with learning disabilities.

Teaching using pedagogy also involves assessing the level of student education on a particular skill. Understanding the pedagogy of students in the classroom involves the use of different instructions and supervision to meet the needs of all students in the classroom. Pedagogy can be thought of in two ways. First, teaching itself can be taught in many ways, therefore, using the pedagogy of the teaching style. Second, the pedagogy of learners comes into play when a teacher assesses the pedagogic diversity of his students and differentiates for each student. For example, an experienced teacher and a parent describe a teacher's place in learning as follows: "Most of the learning takes place in self-study and problem solving with a lot of feedback around the circle.The teacher's function is to lazy, , deflating arrogant, encouraging the weak, detecting and correcting individual deficiencies, and expanding the viewpoint of all. This function looks like a coach who uses the whole of the whole psychology to get every new beginner class from the bench and into the game. "

Perhaps the most significant difference between primary and secondary school teaching is the relationship between teachers and children. In primary school each class has a teacher who lives with them for most of the week and will teach them the entire curriculum. In high school, they will be taught by different subject specialists every week-long session and may have ten or more different teachers. The relationship between children and their teachers tends to be closer to the primary school where they act as counselors, specialist teachers and substitutes for the day.

This is also true in most of the United States. However, an alternative approach to basic education exists. One of them, sometimes referred to as a "platoon" system, involves placing a group of students together in a class that moves from one specialist to another for each subject. The advantage here is that students learn from teachers who specialize in one subject and who tend to be more knowledgeable in one area than teachers who teach many subjects. Students still gain a strong sense of security by staying with the same peer group for all classes.

Co-teaching is also a new trend among educational institutions. Co-teaching is defined as two or more teachers working in harmony to meet the needs of each student in the classroom. Co-teaching focuses students on learning by providing social networking support that enables them to achieve their full cognitive potential. Co-teachers work in harmony with each other to create a learning climate.

Classroom management

Teacher and school discipline

Throughout the history of education, the most common form of school discipline is corporal punishment. When a child is at school, a teacher is expected to act as a surrogate parent, with all forms of normal parental discipline open to them.

In the past, corporal punishment (hitting or pedaling or beating or stalking or molesting students to cause physical pain) is one of the most common forms of school discipline worldwide. Most Western countries, and some other countries, have now banned it, but remain legitimate in the United States after a US Supreme Court ruling in 1977 stating that pedaling does not violate the US Constitution.

30 US states have banned corporal punishment, others (mostly in the South) have not. It is still used for significant (though declining) degrees in some public schools in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas. Private schools in these countries and most other countries can also use them. Physical punishment in American schools is given to the seat of trousers or student skirts with specially made wooden paddles. These are often used in the classroom or in the hallway, but nowadays punishments are usually given in person at the principal's office.

Official punishment, often with caning, remains common in schools in some Asian, African and Caribbean countries. For details of each country, see the punishment of the school body.

Currently detention is one of the most common penalties in schools in the United States, Britain, Ireland, Singapore and other countries. Requires students to stay in school at certain times of day (such as lunch, rest or after school); or even to attend school on non-school days, e.g. "Saturday detention" was held in several schools. During detention, students usually have to sit in the classroom and do work, write lines or punishment essays, or sit still.

Examples of modern school disciplines in North America and Western Europe depend on the idea of ​​an assertive teacher who is ready to impose their will in the classroom. Positive reinforcement is balanced by direct and fair punishment for wrong and decisive behavior, a clear boundary determining appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Teachers are expected to honor their students; sarcasm and attempts to humiliate the pupil are seen as falling outside of what constitutes a reasonable discipline.

While this is a consensus point of view among most academics, some teachers and parents advocate a more assertive and confrontational style of discipline. Such people claim that many problems with modern schools come from weaknesses in school discipline and if teachers exercise strong control over the classroom, they will be able to teach more efficiently. This viewpoint is supported by the attainment of state education - in East Asia for example - that incorporates strict discipline with higher education standards.

It is not clear, however, that this stereotypical view reflects the reality of the East Asian classroom or that the educational objectives in these countries are commensurate with the Western countries. In Japan, for example, although the average achievement on standardized tests may be higher in Western countries, discipline and class behavior are problematic. Although, officially, schools have very rigid codes of conduct, in practice many teachers find students uncontrolled and do not enforce discipline at all.

Where school-class sizes are usually 40 to 50 students, maintaining order in the classroom can divert teachers from instruction, leaving little chance for concentration and focus on what is being taught. In response, teachers can focus their attention on motivated students, ignoring students who are attention-seeking and distracting. The result of this is motivated students, facing demanding university entrance exams, receiving disproportionate resources. Given the emphasis on university achievement, administrators and governors may regard this policy as appropriate.

Obligation to respect student rights

The Sudbury model of democratic schools claims that popular-based authorities can maintain order more effectively than dictatorial authorities for governments and schools. They also claim that in these schools the preservation of public order is easier and more efficient than elsewhere. Mainly because rules and regulations are made by society as a whole, then the school atmosphere is persuasion and negotiation, rather than a confrontation because there is no confrontation. Sudbury's model of supporting democratic schools argues that schools that have good and clear laws, fairly and democratically endorsed by the whole school community, and a good justice system to enforce this law, are schools where public discipline prevails, and where sophisticated concepts of law and order develop, against other schools today, where arbitrary rules, authority is absolute, penalties are fickle, and the corresponding legal process is unknown.

New Teacher's Lounge - itslearning - United States

Occupational hazards

Teachers face several occupational hazards in their line of work, including job stress, which can negatively impact mental health, physical, productivity, and student performance. Stress can be caused by organizational change, relationships with students, fellow teachers, and administrative staff, work environment, expectations to replace, long hours with heavy workloads, and inspections. Teachers are also at high risk for work fatigue.

A 2000 study found that 42% of UK teachers experience job stress, twice the average profession. A 2012 study found that teachers experienced double the level of anxiety, depression, and stress than the average worker.

There are several ways to reduce the dangers of work in teaching. Organizational interventions, such as changing teacher schedules, providing support and mentoring networks, changing work environments, and offering promotions and bonuses, may be effective in helping to reduce work stress among teachers. Individual level interventions, including stress management training and counseling, are also used to reduce work stress among teachers.

Apart from this, teachers are often not given enough opportunities for professional growth or promotion. This caused some stagnation, as there was not enough interest to enter the profession. An organization in India called the Teacher Accreditation Center (CENTA) is working to reduce this danger, by trying to open opportunities for teachers in India.

Substitute Teachers - Department of Human Resources

Teaching around the world

There are many similarities and differences among teachers around the world. In almost all countries, teachers are educated at universities or colleges. Governments may require certification by a recognized body before they can teach in schools. In many countries, primary school education certificates are obtained after completing secondary school. High school students follow a special path of education, get a prerequisite of "student-taught" time, and receive a special diploma to begin teaching after graduation. In addition to certification, many educational institutions, especially in the US, require that prospective teachers pass background checks and psychiatric evaluations to be able to teach in the classroom. This is not always the case with adult educational institutions but quickly becomes the norm in many countries when security issues grow.

International schools generally follow an English-speaking Western curriculum aimed at the expatriate community.


Education in Australia is primarily the responsibility of individual states and territories. Generally, education in Australia follows a three-tier model that includes elementary education (primary school), followed by secondary education (high school/high school) and higher education (TAFE universities or colleges).


Teaching in Canada requires a postgraduate degree. In most provinces, a second Bachelor of Education degree is required to become a qualified teacher. Salaries range from $ 40,000/year to $ 90,000/year. Teachers have the option to teach in public schools funded by the provincial government or teach in private schools funded by the private sector, business and sponsors.


In France, teachers, or professors , especially civil servants, were recruited by competitive exams.


In Germany, teachers are primarily civil servants recruited in special university classes, called Lehramtstudien ( Education Teaching Studies ). There are many differences between primary school teachers ( Grundschule ), junior high school ( Hauptschule ), secondary school (Realschule ) and high school higher level ( Gymnasium ). The salary for teachers depends on the scale of the civil servant salary index ( Bundesbesoldungsordnung ).


Salaries for elementary school teachers in Ireland rely heavily on seniority (ie holding a principal's position, vice principal or assistant principal), experience and qualifications. Additional payments are also given for teaching through Irish, in the Gaeltacht area or on an island. The basic wage for a beginner teacher is EUR27,814 p.a., rising gradually to EUR53,423 for a teacher with 25 years of service. A large principal with years of experience and some qualifications (M.A., H.ip., Etc.) can generate over EUR90,000.

Teachers must be enrolled in the Council of Teachers; under Section 30 of the Teaching Council Act of 2001, a person employed in any capacity in a recognized teaching post - not registered with the Council of Teachers - shall not be paid from Oireachtas funds.

From 2006 Garda Inspection has been introduced to newcomers to the teaching profession. This procedure applies to teaching as well as to non-teaching posts and those who refuse an examination "can not be appointed or engaged by the school in any capacity including in a voluntary role". Existing staff will be examined in stages.

United Kingdom

Education in the UK is a matter related to each country in the UK that has a separate system.


Salaries for nursery, primary and high school classes ranged from £ 20,133 to Ã, £ 41,004 in September 2007, although some salaries may rise higher depending on additional experience and responsibilities. Preschool teachers can earn  £ 20,980 annually. Teachers in public schools must have at least a bachelor's degree, complete an approved teacher education program, and obtain a license.

Many districts offer alternative licensing programs to attract people to teach, especially for difficult positions. Excellent job opportunities are expected as retirement, especially among high school teachers, greater than slowing registration growth; opportunities will vary by geographical region and subject being taught.


In Scotland, anyone who wants to teach must be enrolled in the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS). Teaching in Scotland is a profession of all graduates and the normal route for graduates who want to teach is to complete the Early Teacher Education (ITE) program in one of seven Scottish Universities that offer these courses. Upon successful completion, "Temporary Enrollment" is provided by GTCS which is upgraded to "Full Registration" status after a year if there is sufficient evidence to indicate that the "Standard for Full Registration" has been met.

For the salary year beginning April 2008, immovable teachers in Scotland earn £ 20,427 for an Applicant, up to £ 32,583 after 6 years of teaching but can then continue up to £ 39,942 when they complete the module to earn Chartered Teacher Status (takes at least 6 years to two modules per year.) Promotion for Master Principal positions withdraws salaries between Ã, Â £ 34,566 and Ã, £ 44,616; Deputy Head, and Head teacher get from Ã, Â £ 40,290 to Ã, Â £ 78,642. Teachers in Scotland can be enrolled union members with the main ones being the Scottish Educational Institute and the Association of Scottish Secondary Teachers.


Education in Wales differs in certain respects from education elsewhere in the UK. For example, a large number of students across Wales were educated either in whole or in large part through Welsh media: in 2008/09, 22 percent of primary school classes were administered using Welsh as the sole or primary means of teaching. Welsh secondary education is available to all age groups through nurseries, schools, colleges and universities and in adult education; the lesson in the language itself is mandatory for all students until the age of 16 years.

Teachers in Wales can be registered as union members like ATL, NUT or NASUWT and reports in recent years suggest that the average age of teachers in Wales falls with teachers younger than in previous years. The cause of the growing concern is the attacks on teachers at Welsh schools that reached the highest point of all time between 2005 and 2010.

United States

In the United States, each country determines the requirements for a license to teach in a public school. Teaching certification generally lasts for three years, but teachers can receive certificates that last for ten years. Public school teachers are required to have a bachelor's degree and the majority must be certified by the country where they teach. Many charter schools do not require that their teachers be certified, provided they meet the standards to be highly qualified as set by No Child Left Behind. In addition, the requirements for substitute/temporary teachers are generally not as tight as full-time professionals. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that there are 1.4 million elementary school teachers, 674,000 high school teachers, and 1 million high school teachers working in the US.

In the past, teachers were paid a relatively low salary. However, the average teacher salary has increased considerably in recent years. US teachers are generally paid on a graduated scale, with income dependent on experience. Teachers with more experience and higher education get more than those with a bachelor's degree and a standard certificate. Salaries vary depending on the state, relative living costs, and the value being taught. Salaries also vary in states where rich suburban districts generally have higher salary schedules than other districts. The average salary for all primary and secondary school teachers was $ 46,000 in 2004, with an average admission fee for a teacher with a college degree of about $ 32,000. The median salary for preschool teachers, however, was less than half the national median for high school teachers, about $ 21,000 in 2004. For high school teachers, the average salary in 2007 ranged from $ 35,000 in South Dakota to $ 71,000 in New York , with a national median of $ 52,000. Some contracts may include long-term disability insurance, life insurance, emergency leave/personal leave and investment options.

The American Teacher Federation teacher salary survey for the 2006-07 school year found that the average teacher salary was $ 51.009. In the salary survey report for K-12 teachers, primary school teachers have the lowest average salary, which is $ 39,259. High school teachers have the highest average salary of $ 41,855. Many teachers take advantage of opportunities to increase their earnings by overseeing after-school programs and other extracurricular activities. In addition to money compensation, public school teachers can also enjoy greater benefits (such as health insurance) compared to other jobs. Salary payment systems are on the rise for teachers, paying teacher additional money based on excellent classroom evaluations, high test scores and for high success in their school as a whole. Also, with the advent of the internet, many teachers are now selling their lesson plans to other teachers through the web to earn extra income, especially at

West Virginia is one of the lowest-paying states for teachers

Popular educators

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Teacher's assistant

The teacher's assistant is an additional teacher who helps the main teacher, often in the same classroom. There are various types around the world, as well as formal programs that define roles and responsibilities.

One of its kind is Foreign Language Assistant, which in Germany is run by Educational Exchange Service (PÃÆ'¤dagogischer Austauschdienst).

British schools employ teaching assistants, who are not regarded as fully qualified teachers, and thus, guided by teachers but can supervise and teach groups of students independently. In the UK, the term "teacher assistant" is usually used to refer to qualified or unqualified teachers who are not head or deputy principals.

The Japanese education system employs Language Teaching Assistants in primary, junior and senior high schools.

Learning by teaching (German short form: LDL) is a method that allows students and students to prepare and teach a lesson or part of a lesson, with the understanding that the student's own learning is enhanced through the teaching process.

Teacher Assistance | Mid-Continent Public Library

See also

The Teacher Trailer #1 (2017) | Movieclips Indie - YouTube


5 Things Every Teacher Should Know About Teaching Reading

External links

  • Media related to Teaching on Wikimedia Commons
  • OECD Educational GPS, a review of education policy statistics and analysis: Teachers

Source of the article : Wikipedia
