Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

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World Bank Scores Sustainable Energy Policies in 111 Countries ...

Continuous energy is energy consumed at a rate that is insignificant compared to its supply and with manageable collateral effects, especially environmental effects. Another common definition of sustainable energy is the energy system that serves the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their energy needs. Not all renewable energy is sustainable. While renewable energy is defined as an energy source that is naturally recharged on a human time scale, sustainable energy (often referred to as 'clean') should not compromise with systems adopted to the point of not being able to provide for future needs. The principle of organizing for sustainability is sustainable development, which includes four interconnected domains: ecological, economic, political and cultural. The science of sustainability is the study of sustainable development and environmental science.

Technology promotes sustainable energy including renewable energy sources, such as hydroelectricity, solar energy, wind energy, wave power, geothermal energy, bioenergy, tidal power and also technologies designed to improve energy efficiency. Costs greatly decreased throughout the year, and continued to fall. Increasingly, effective government policies support investor confidence and these markets thrive. Significant progress is being made in the energy transition from fossil fuels to ecologically sustainable systems, to the point where many studies support 100% of renewable energy.

Video Sustainable energy


Energy efficiency and renewable energy are said to be twin pillars of sustainable energy. In the context of broader sustainable development, there are three pillars, ecology, economy and society. Some of the ways in which sustainable energy have been defined are:

  • "Effectively, the provision of energy is such that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.... Sustainable Energy has two main components: renewable energy and energy efficiency." Ã, - Renewable Energy and Efficiency Partnerships (UK)
  • "Dynamic harmony between the availability of energy-intensive goods and services for all and the preservation of the earth for future generations." And, "The solution will lie in finding sustainable energy sources and more efficient ways to transform and harness energy." - Sustainable Energy by JW Tester, et al. , from MIT Press.
  • "Any source of energy, efficiency and conservation where: Resources are available to enable massive scaling to become an important part of energy generation, long term, preferably 100 years." Ã, - Invest, green technology non-profit organization.
  • "The energy can be recharged in a human lifetime and does not cause long-term damage to the environment." Ã, - Jamaica Sustainable Development Network

This sets sustainable energy apart from other renewable energy terminologies such as alternative energy by focusing on the ability of energy sources to continue providing energy. Sustainable energy can produce environmental pollution, provided that it is not enough to prohibit the massive use of resources for an indefinite period. Sustainable energy also differs from low-carbon energy, which is only sustainable in the sense that it does not add CO 2 in the atmosphere.

Green Energy is energy that can be extracted, produced, and/or consumed without significant negative impact on the environment. This planet has a natural ability to recover which means pollution that does not go beyond that ability can still be called green.

Green energy is part of renewable energy and represents renewable energy resources and technologies that provide the highest environmental benefits. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency defines green power as electricity generated from solar energy, wind, geothermal, biogas, biomass, and low impact from small hydroelectric sources. Customers often purchase green power to avoid environmental impacts and greenhouse gas reduction benefits.

Maps Sustainable energy

Renewable energy technology

Renewable energy technology is an important contributor to sustainable energy as it generally contributes to world energy security, reduces dependence on fossil fuel resources, and provides opportunities to reduce greenhouse gases. The International Energy Agency states that:

Conceptually, one can define three generations of renewable technology, reaching back over 100 years.

First generation technology emerged from the industrial revolution at the end of the 19th century and included hydro power, biomass burning and geothermal and heat power. Some of these technologies are still widely used.

Second generation technologies include solar heating and cooling, wind power, modern forms of bioenergy and solar photovoltaic. It is now entering the market as a result of research, development and demonstration (RD & D) investments since the 1980s. Initial investment was driven by energy security issues associated with the oil crisis (1973 and 1979) of the 1970s but the sustainable appeal of this renewable energy, at least in part, to environmental benefits. Many technologies reflect significant advances in material. Third generation technology is under development and includes advanced biomass gasification, biorefinery technology, solar thermal power concentration, geothermal energy of hot dry rock and marine energy. Advances in nanotechnology may also play a major role.

First and second generation technologies have entered the market, and third generation technology relies heavily on long-term research and development commitments, in which the public sector has a role to play.

Various cost-benefit analyzes are carried out by different specialists and institutions have been undertaken to determine the cheapest and fastest pathways to reduce the world's energy supply. With the topic being one of considerable controversy, especially on the role of nuclear energy.

First generation technology

The first-generation technology is most competitive in locations with abundant resources. Their future use depends on exploring the potential resources available, especially in developing countries, and in addressing environmental and social acceptability challenges.

Among renewable energy sources, hydroelectric power plants have the advantage of being long-lived - many plants have been operating for over 100 years. Also, the hydroelectric plant is clean and has little emissions. Critics directed at large-scale hydroelectric power include: dislocation of people living where the reservoir is planned, and the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide during construction and flooding of the reservoir.

However, it has been found that high emissions are only related to the warm, shallow reservoirs in local (tropical), and the latest innovations in hydroelectric turbine technology enable efficient development of low-impact run-of-the-river hydroelectric projects. Generally, hydroelectric generating life cycle emissions are much lower than other types of generations. Hydroelectric power, which undergoes extensive development during electrification growth in the 19th and 20th centuries, experienced a revival of development in the 21st century. The largest area of ​​hydroelectric growth is the booming economy in Asia. China is the leader of development; but other Asian countries are installing hydroelectric power very quickly. This growth is driven by increased energy costs - especially for imported energy - and a widespread desire for domestic, clean, renewable and economical production.

Geothermal power plants can operate 24 hours per day, providing basic load capacity, and the world's potential capacity for geothermal power generation is estimated at 85 GW over the next 30 years. However, geothermal power is only accessible in restricted areas of the world, including the United States, Central America, East Africa, Iceland, Indonesia and the Philippines. The cost of geothermal energy has dropped substantially from systems built in the 1970s. Geothermal heat generation can compete in many countries that produce geothermal power, or in other areas where resources have lower temperatures. Improved geothermal system (EGS) technology does not require natural convective hydrothermal resources, so it can be used in areas previously unsuitable for geothermal power, if the resources are enormous. EGS is currently under research at the US Department of Energy.

Biomass briquettes are increasingly being used in developing countries as an alternative to charcoal. This technique involves converting almost all plant matter into a compressed briquette that typically has about 70% of the calorific value of the charcoal. There are relatively few examples of large-scale briquette production. One exception is in North Kivu, in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, where clearance for charcoal production is considered the greatest threat to mountain gorilla habitats. Virunga National Park staff has successfully trained and equipped more than 3500 people to produce biomass briquettes, thus replacing illegally produced charcoal within the park, and creating significant jobs for people living in extreme poverty in areas where affected by the conflict.

In Europe in the 19th century, there were about 200,000 windmills, slightly more than the modern 21st century wind turbines. They are mainly used for grinding grains and pumping water. The age of coal-fired steam engines replaces the early use of this wind power.

Second generation technology

The market for second generation technology is strong and growing, but only in some countries. The challenge is to expand the market base for sustainable growth worldwide. Strategic deployment in one country not only reduces the technological costs for users there, but also for those in other countries, contributes to overall cost reductions and performance improvements.

The solar heating system is a well-known second generation technology and generally consists of a solar thermal collector, a fluid system for transferring heat from a collector to a point of use, and a reservoir or tank for heat storage and subsequent use. This system can be used to heat domestic hot water, swimming pool water, or for heating the room. Heat can also be used for industrial applications or as energy input for other uses such as refrigeration equipment. In many climates, solar heating systems can provide very high percentages (20 to 80%) of domestic hot water energy. The energy received from the sun by the earth is electromagnetic radiation. Range of visible light, infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays, and radio waves are received by the earth through solar energy. The highest radiation strength comes from visible light. Solar power is complicated due to seasonal changes and from day to night. Cloud cover can also add to solar energy complications, and not all radiation from the sun reaches the Earth as it is absorbed and dispersed because of clouds and gases in the Earth's atmosphere.

In the 1980s and early 1990s, most photovoltaic modules provide power supplies in remote areas, but starting around 1995, industry efforts are increasingly focused on the development of integrated photovoltaic buildings and power plants for networked applications (see article on photovoltaic power generation for details). Currently the largest photovoltaic power plant in North America is the Nellis Solar Power Plant (15 MW). There is a proposal to build a solar power plant in Victoria, Australia, which will be the largest PV power plant in the world, with a capacity of 154 MW. Other large photovoltaic power plants include the Girassol solar power plant (62 MW), and Waldpolenz Solar Park (40 MW).

Some of the second generation renewable energy, such as wind power, has high potential and has realized relatively low production costs. By the end of 2008, wind farm capacity worldwide was 120,791 megawatts (MW), representing a 28.8 percent increase over the year, and wind power generated about 1.3 percent of global electricity consumption. Wind power accounts for about 20% of electricity use in Denmark, 9% in Spain, and 7% in Germany. However, it may be difficult to place wind turbines in some areas for aesthetic or environmental reasons, and it may be difficult to integrate wind power into the power grid in some cases.

The solar thermal power plant has been successfully operating in California commercially since the late 1980s, including the largest solar power plant of any kind, the 350 MW Solar Power Generation System. Nevada Solar One is a newly opened 64MW plant. Another proposed parabolic parabolic power plant is two 50MW plants in Spain, and a 100MW plant in Israel.

Solar and wind are intermittent energy sources that supply electricity 10-40% of the time. To compensate for these characteristics, it is common to pair production with hydroelectric or existing natural gas generators. In areas where these are not available, wind and solar can be paired with significantly more expensive pumped hydroelectric power.

Brazil has one of the largest renewable energy programs in the world, involving the production of ethanol fuels from sugar cane, and ethanol now provides 18 percent of the country's automotive fuel. As a result, along with the exploitation of domestic oil resources, Brazil, which last year had to import most of the oil needed for domestic consumption, has recently achieved total self-sufficiency in oil.

Most of the current road cars in the US can operate with a mixture of up to 10% ethanol, and motor vehicle manufacturers are already producing vehicles designed to run on a much higher ethanol blend. Ford, DaimlerChrysler and GM are among the car companies that sell "fuel-flexible" cars, trucks, and minivans that can use gasoline and ethanol blends ranging from pure gasoline to 85% ethanol (E85). By mid-2006, there were about six million vehicles compatible with E85 on US roads.

Third-generation technology

Third generation technology has not been shown or commercialized. They are on the horizon and may have potential comparable to other renewable energy technologies, but still rely on attracting sufficient attention and RD & D funding. These latest technologies include advanced biomass gasification, biorefinery technology, solar thermal power, geothermal energy heat hot dry rock and ocean energy.

Bio-fuels can be defined as "renewable," but may not be "sustainable," due to soil degradation. In 2012, 40% of American corn production goes to ethanol. Ethanol takes a large percentage of "Clean Energy Use" when in fact, it is debatable whether ethanol should be considered "Clean Energy."

According to the International Energy Agency, newly developed biofuel technologies, especially cellulosic ethanol biorefineri, could enable biofuels to play a much larger role in the future than previously thought. Cellulosic ethanol can be made from plant matter which mainly consists of edible cellulose fibers that form the stems and branches of most plants. Crop residues (such as corn stalks, wheat straw and rice straw), wood waste and municipal solid waste are potential sources of cellulosic biomass. Special energy plants, such as switchgrass, also promise a sustainable source of cellulose in many areas of the United States.

In terms of ocean energy, other third generation technology, Portugal has the world's first commercial wave field, AguÃÆ'§adora Wave Park, which is being built in 2007. The farm will initially use three Pelamis P-750 engines that produce 2.25 MW. and it costs 8.5 million euros. Subject to successful operations, 70 million euros are more likely to be invested before 2009 on 28 more engines to produce 525 MW. Funding for waves farming in Scotland was announced in February, 2007 by the Scottish Executive, costing over £ 4million, as part of a £ 13m package for ocean workers in Scotland. This farm will be the largest in the world with a capacity of 3 MW produced by four Pelamis engines. (see also Wave farm).

In 2007, the world's first turbine to create some commercial energy using tidal power was installed at the Strangford Lough cross in Ireland. The 1.2 MW tidal power generator takes advantage of the rapid tidal flow in the lough which can reach 4m/s. Although the generator is strong enough to produce up to a thousand homes, the turbine has minimal environmental impact, as it is almost entirely submerged, and the rotor turns slow enough to pose no danger to wildlife.

The solar panels that use nanotechnology, which can make circuits from individual silicon molecules, may cost half the traditional photovoltaic cells, according to executives and investors involved in product development. Nanosolar has gained more than $ 100 million from investors to build a plant for thin-film nanotechnology solar panels. The company's plant has a planned production capacity of 430 megawatts of solar peak power per year. Commercial production began and the first panel was delivered to customers by the end of 2007.

A major national and regional research project on artificial photosynthesis is designing a nanotechnology-based system that uses solar energy to break water into hydrogen fuel. and proposals have been made for the Global Artificial Photosynthesis project In 2011, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) developed what they call the "Artificial Leaf", which is capable of breaking water into hydrogen and oxygen directly from solar power when it falls into a glass water. One side of "Artificial Leaves" produces a hydrogen bubble, while the other side produces an oxygen bubble.

Most solar power plants today are manufactured from various similar units where each unit is constantly adjusted, for example, with some step motors, so the light converter remains focused on sunlight. Cost of light focusing on converters such as high-powered solar panels, Stirling machines, etc. Can be dramatically reduced with simple and efficient rope mechanics. In this technique many units are connected with a network of ropes thus pulling two or three straps enough to keep all the light converters simultaneously in focus as the direction of the sun changes.

Japan and China have national programs aimed at commercial scale Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP). The Chinese Space Technology Academy (CAST) wins the International SunSat Design Competition 2015 with their Multi-Rotary Joint design video. Proponents of SBSP claim that Space-Based Sun Energy will be clean, constant, and global, and can reach scale to meet all the planet's energy demands. The recent multi-agency industry proposal (in accordance with the Pentagon 2008 recommendation) won the SECDEF/SECSTATE/Director of USAID D3 (Diplomacy, Development, Defense) Innovation Challenge. [4]

Enable technology for renewable energy

Heat pumps and thermal energy storage are a class of technologies that can enable the utilization of renewable energy sources that are otherwise inaccessible because temperatures are too low for utilization or lag time between when energy is available and when needed. While increasing the temperature of available renewable heat energy, the heat pump has additional properties to utilize electrical power (or in some cases mechanical or heat power) by using it to extract additional energy from low-quality sources (such as seawater, lake water, soil, or waste heat from a process).

Thermal storage technology allows heat or cold to be stored for a period of time from hours or nights to the interstitial, and may involve the storage of reasonable energy (ie by changing the temperature of the medium) or latent energy (ie through the medium phase change, such as between water and mud or ice). Short-term thermal storage can be used for peak heating in district heating or electrical distribution systems. Types of renewable or alternative energy sources that can be activated include natural energy (eg collected through solar thermal collectors, or dry cooling towers used to collect cold winter), waste energy (eg from HVAC equipment, industrial processes or power plants), or energy surplus (eg seasonal hydroelectric or intermittent project of a wind farm). The Drake Landing Solar Community (Alberta, Canada) is illustrative. Borehole's heat energy storage allows the public to get 97% of the year-round heat from the solar collectors in the roof of the garage, most of which are heat collected in summer. Storage types for reasonable energy include insulated tanks, borehole clusters in substrates ranging from gravel to bedrock, deep aquifer, or shallow lined holes isolated above. Some types of storage are able to store heat or cold between the opposite seasons (especially if very large), and some storage applications require the entry of heat pumps. Latent heat is usually stored in an ice bath or so-called phase change material (PCM).

Sustainable Energy Engineering and Policy - Carleton University

Energy efficiency

Moving towards energy sustainability will require changes not only in the way energy is supplied, but in the way it is used, and reducing the amount of energy needed to deliver various goods or services is essential. The opportunities for demand-side improvement of energy equations are as rich and diverse as those on the supply side, and often offer significant economic benefits.

Renewable energy and energy efficiency are sometimes said to be the "twin pillars" of sustainable energy policies. Both sources must be developed to stabilize and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Efficiency slows the growth in energy demand so an increase in clean energy supply can make major cuts in fossil fuel use. If energy usage grows too fast, the development of renewable energy will catch the target receded. Recent historical analysis has shown that the general level of energy efficiency improvements has exceeded the rate of growth in energy demand, caused by sustained economic growth and population. As a result, despite the acquisition of energy efficiency, total energy use and associated carbon emissions continue to increase. Thus, given the thermodynamic and practical thresholds of energy efficiency improvements, slowing growth in energy demand is critical. However, unless clean energy supply comes online quickly, slowing demand growth will only begin to reduce total emissions; reducing the carbon content of energy sources is also needed. Any serious vision of a sustainable energy economy thus requires a commitment to renewable energy and efficiency.

Renewable energy (and energy efficiency) is no longer a special sector that is promoted only by governments and environmentalists. An increase in the level of investment and the fact that much of the capital comes from more conventional financial actors suggests that sustainable energy options are now becoming mainstream. An example of this is the Alliance for Storing Energy Projects with Stahl Consolidated Manufacturing (Huntsville, Alabama, USA) (StahlCon 7), a patented generator shaft designed to reduce emissions in existing power generation systems, granted the rights of issuance to the Alliance in 2007.

Attention to climate change coupled with high oil prices and increased government support boosted investment levels in sustainable energy industries, according to a trend analysis of the United Nations Environment Program. According to UNEP, global investment in sustainable energy in 2007 was higher than previous levels, with $ 148 billion in new money increasing in 2007, up 60% over 2006. Total financial transactions in sustainable energy, including acquisition activities, were $ 204 billion.

The investment flow in 2007 expanded and varied, making the overall picture as one of the breadth and depth of greater sustainable energy use. The mainstream capital market "now fully receives sustainable energy companies, backed by a surge of funds aimed at clean energy investments".

Smart-grid technology

The intelligent network refers to the class of technology that people use to bring the power delivery system into the 21st century, using remote control and computer-based automation. This system is made possible by two-way communication technology and computer processing that has been used for decades in other industries. They are beginning to be used in power grids, from power plants and wind farms to home and business electricity consumers. They offer many benefits to utilities and consumers - mostly seen in the huge increase in energy efficiency in power grids and at home and office energy users.

Armenia to increase energy security and sustainable energy ...

Green energy and green power

Green energy includes natural energy processes that can be exploited with less pollution. Green power is electricity generated from renewable energy sources.

Anaerobic digestion, geothermal power, wind power, small hydro power, solar energy, biomass power, tidal power, wave power, and some form of nuclear power (capable of "burning" nuclear waste through a process known as nuclear transmutation, such as Fast Integral Reactors, and therefore belong to the category "Green Energy"). Some definitions may also include the power that comes from burning garbage.

Some people, including the founder of Greenpeace and the first members of Patrick Moore, George Monbiot, Bill Gates and James Lovelock in particular classify nuclear power as green energy. Others, including Greenpeace's Phil Radford, disagreed, claiming that issues related to radioactive waste and the risk of nuclear accidents (such as the Chernobyl disaster) pose unacceptable risks to the environment and humanity. However, the design of newer nuclear reactors is capable of utilizing what is now considered "nuclear waste" until it is no longer (or dramatically less) dangerous, and has a design feature that greatly minimizes the possibility of a nuclear accident. This design is not commercialized yet. (See: Liquid salt reactor)

Some argue that while green energy is a commendable effort to solve the world's increasing energy consumption, it must be accompanied by cultural changes that drive the decline of world energy appetite.

In some countries with general carrier arrangements, electrical retail arrangements allow for consumers to purchase green electricity (renewable electricity) either from their utility or green power provider.

When energy is purchased from the power grid, the power that reaches consumers does not need to be generated from green energy sources. Local utility companies, power companies, or state power plants buy their electricity from power producers that may produce from fossil fuels, nuclear or renewable energy sources. In many countries green energy currently provides a very small amount of electricity, generally accounting for less than 2 to 5% of the entire pool. In some US states, local governments have established regional purchasing power centers using Aggregate Choice Communities and Solar Bonds to achieve 51% renewable or higher mix, such as in San Francisco.

By participating in green energy programs, consumers may have an effect on the energy sources used and may ultimately help to promote and expand the use of green energy. They also make statements to policymakers that they are willing to pay a premium price to support renewable energy. Consumers of good green energy require utility companies to increase the amount of green energy they buy from the pool (thus reducing the amount of non-green energy they buy), or directly fund green energy through green power providers. If the green energy source is insufficient, the utilities should develop new or contracts with third-party energy suppliers to provide green energy, leading to more built. However, there is no way consumers can check whether the electricity purchased is "green" or vice versa.

In some countries like the Netherlands, power companies guarantee to buy the same amount of 'green power' as used by their green power customers. The Dutch government excludes the green power of pollution taxes, which means that green power is hardly more expensive than other forces.

A newer concept to improve our electricity network is to emit microwaves from satellites orbiting Earth or the moon directly when and where there is demand. Strength will be generated from solar energy captured on the lunar surface. In this system, the receiver will be "a broad translucent and translucent translucent structure that will receive microwaves and turn them into electricity". NASA said in 2000 that the technology was worth pursuing but it is still too early to say whether the technology will be cost-effective.

The World Wide Fund for Nature and several green power labeling organizations created the Eugene Green Energy Standard (now dead) where a national green electricity certification scheme can be accredited to ensure that green energy purchases lead to the provision of additional new green energy. resource.

Innovative green energy trends and solutions are at the center of discussion at EXPO 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan. Specialized Expo 2017 themed "Energy of the Future" and gathered representatives from 115 countries and 22 international organizations.

Local green energy system

Those who are dissatisfied with a third-party network approach to green energy through the power grid can install their own locally-based renewable energy systems. The electrical systems of renewable energy from the sun to the wind and even local water power in some cases, are some of the many types of renewable energy systems available locally. In addition, for those interested in heating and cooling their dwellings through renewable energy, the geothermal heat pump system that suppresses the Earth's constant temperature, which is about 7 to 15 degrees Celsius a few feet below ground and rises dramatically at greater depth, is choice over conventional natural gas and petroleum-fueled heat approaches. Also, in geographic locations where the Earth's crust is very thin, or near a volcano (as in Iceland) there is the potential to generate more electricity than is possible on other sites, thanks to a more significant temperature gradient on the locale.

The advantage of this approach in the United States is that many countries offer incentives to offset the cost of installing renewable energy systems. In California, Massachusetts, and several other US states, a new approach to community energy supply called Community Choice Aggregation has provided a means for people to request competitive power suppliers and use city revenue bonds to finance the development of local green energy resources. Individuals are usually convinced that the electricity they use is actually generated from the green energy source they control. Once the system is paid, the owners of renewable energy systems will produce their own renewable electricity basically no cost and can sell the advantages to local utilities with profit.

Using green energy

Renewable energy, after its generation, needs to be stored in media for use with autonomous devices as well as vehicles. Also, to provide household electricity in remote areas (ie areas not connected to the main power grid), energy storage is required for use with renewable energy. The generation of energy and consumption systems used in the latter case is usually a stand-alone power system.

Some examples are:

  • carrier energy as hydrogen, liquid nitrogen, compressed air, oxyhydrogen, battery, to drive the vehicle.
  • flywheel energy storage, pumped hydroelectricity can be used in stationary applications (eg for moving homes and offices). In household power systems, energy conversion can also be done to reduce odor. For example, organic materials such as cow manure and damaged organic materials can be converted into biochar. To eliminate emissions, carbon capture and storage is then used.

But usually, renewable energy comes from the main power grid. This means that energy storage is largely unused, because the main power grid is set to produce the right amount of energy consumed at that time. The production of energy in the main power grid is always established as a combination of renewable energy generation (large scale), as well as other power plants as fossil fuel and nuclear power plants. But this combination, which is important for this type of energy supply (such as wind turbines, solar power plants, etc.) can only be generated when the wind blows and the sun shines. This is also one of the major disadvantages of this system because fossil-fueled power plants pollute and are a major cause of global warming (nuclear power being the exception). Although fossil fuel power plants can also be made without emissions (through carbon capture and storage), as well as renewable (if plants are converted into biomass for example), the best solution still has to stop the last power plant from time to time. Nuclear power plants can also be more or less removed from their nuclear waste problems through the use of nuclear reprocessing and new crops as fast breeders and nuclear fusion plants.

Renewable energy power plants do provide a steady flow of energy. For example, hydroelectric power plants, ocean thermal generators, osmotic power plants all provide power at a regulated speed, and thus resources are available at certain times (even at night, times of cold wind etc.). Yet today, the amount of constant renewable energy generation streams is still too small to meet energy needs at times when irregular renewable energy crops can not generate power.

In addition to the greening of fossil fuels and nuclear power plants, another option is the immediate distribution and use of power from renewable sources alone. In energy storage these sets are again unnecessary. For example, TREC has proposed to distribute solar power from the Sahara to Europe. Europe can distribute wind and ocean power to the Sahara and other countries. In this way, electricity is generated at any given time as at any point on the planet when the sun or wind rises or the ocean waves and currents stir. But this option may not be possible in the short term, as fossil fuel and nuclear power are still the main source of energy in the main power grid and replacing it will not be possible overnight.

Some suggestions of large-scale energy storage for the grid have been done. Around the world there are more than 100 GW of hydroelectric power pumped. It increases efficiency and reduces energy loss but converting to a power grid that holds primary energy is a very expensive solution. Some costs are potentially reduced by utilizing energy storage devices purchased by consumers and not countries. An example is a battery in an electric car that will double as an energy buffer for the power grid. But in addition to the cost, setting such a system will still be a very complicated and difficult procedure. Also, energy storage devices' as car batteries are also built with materials that pose a threat to the environment (eg Lithium). The combined production of batteries for most of the population will still have environmental problems. In addition to car batteries, other Grid energy storage projects use less polluting energy carriers (eg compressed air tanks and flywheel energy storage).

Energy and green labels by region

European Union

Directive 2004/8/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of February 11, 2004 on the promotion of heat-based cogeneration useful in the internal energy market including Article 5 ( Electrical Guarantee of high efficiency co-generation).

European environmental NGOs have launched ecolabel for green power. Ecolabel is called EKOenergy. It sets criteria for sustainability, addition, consumer information and tracking. Only a portion of the electricity produced by renewable energy meets EKOenergy criteria.

The Green Energy Supply Certification Scheme was launched in the UK in February 2010. It applies the guidelines of the Energy Regulator, Ofgem, and establishes transparency requirements, matching sales by renewable energy supply, and additions.

United States

The US Department of Energy (DOE), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Resource Center Solutions (CRS) recognize the voluntary purchasing of electricity from renewable energy sources (also called renewable electricity or green electricity) as green power.

The most popular way to buy renewable energy as disclosed by NREL data is through the purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). According to the Natural Marketing Institute (NMI) survey, 55% of American consumers want the company to increase the use of renewable energy.

The DOE selected six companies for the 2007 Eco Power Supply Award, including the NewEnergy Constellation; 3Degrees; Sterling Planet; SunEdison; Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power; and Silicon Valley Power. The combined green energy provided by the six winners is equivalent to over 5 billion kilowatt-hours per year, enough to drive nearly 465,000 US households. In 2014, Arcadia Power makes RECS available for homes and businesses in all 50 states, enabling consumers to use "100% green power" as defined by EPA Green Power Partnership.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Green Power Partnership is a voluntary program that supports the procurement of renewable energy organizations by offering expert advice, technical support, tools, and resources. This can help organizations lower transaction costs to buy renewable power, reduce carbon footprint, and communicate their leadership to key stakeholders.

Across the country, more than half of US electricity customers now have the option to purchase several types of green electricity products from retail power providers. About a quarter of the state utilities offer green power programs to customers, and retail sales of voluntary renewable energy in the United States reached more than 12 billion kilowatt-hours in 2006, a 40% increase over the previous year.

In the United States, one of the main problems with the purchase of green energy through the power grid is the current centralized infrastructure that supplies consumer electricity. This infrastructure has led to more frequent brown outs and black outs, higher CO 2 emissions, higher energy costs, and power quality issues. An additional $ 450 billion will be invested to expand this new system over the next 20 years to meet growing demand. In addition, this centralized system is now becoming overwhelmed with the incorporation of renewable energy such as wind, solar, and geothermal energy. Renewable resources, because of the amount of space they need, are often located in remote areas where there is lower energy demand. The current infrastructure will make transporting this energy to areas with high demand, such as urban centers, highly inefficient and in some cases impossible. In addition, although the amount of renewable energy produced or the economic feasibility of the technology is only about 20 percent will be able to be incorporated into the grid. To have a more sustainable energy profile, the United States must move towards applying changes to the power grid that will accommodate mixed fuel economy.

Several initiatives are being proposed to mitigate distribution issues. First and foremost, the most effective way to reduce US CO 2 emissions and slow global warming is through conservation efforts. Opponents of the US power grid today also advocate for decentralized power grids. This system will increase efficiency by reducing the amount of energy lost in the transmission. It will also be economically feasible as it will reduce the amount of power grids that need to be built in the future to meet demand. Combining heat and power in this system will create additional benefits and help improve efficiency up to 80-90%. This is a significant increase from current fossil fuel plants that have only 34% efficiency.

Renewable energy - Wikipedia

Continuous energy research

There are many organizations within the academic, federal, and commercial sectors that conduct large scale advanced research in the field of sustainable energy. This study covers several focus areas across the entire spectrum of sustainable energy. Much of the research is targeted to improve efficiency and improve overall energy output. Some research organizations supported by the federation have focused on sustainable energy in recent years. Two of the most prominent of these laboratories are the Sandia National Laboratory and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), both funded by the US Department of Energy and supported by various corporate partners. Sandia has a total budget of $ 2.4 billion while NREL has a budget of $ 375 million.

Scientific production toward sustainable energy systems is growing exponentially, growing from about 500 British journal papers on renewable energy only in 1992 to nearly 9,000 papers in 2011.


The main obstacle that prevents the application of large-scale solar powered generators is the inefficiency of today's solar technology. Currently, photovoltaic (PV) panels only have the ability to convert about 24% of the sunlight that it hits into electricity. At this level, solar energy still holds many challenges for widespread implementation, but steady progress has been made in reducing production costs and improving photovoltaic efficiency. Both the Sandia National Laboratory and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), have funded many solar research programs. The NREL solar program has a budget of approximately $ 75 million and is developing research projects in the areas of photovoltaic (PV) technology, solar thermal energy, and solar radiation. The budget for Sandia's solar division is unknown, but it accounts for a significant percentage of the $ 2.4 billion labor budget. Some academic programs have focused on solar research in recent years. The Solar Energy Research Center (SERC) at the University of North Carolina (UNC) has the sole purpose of developing cost-effective solar technologies. In 2008, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) developed a method to store solar energy by using it to produce hydrogen fuel from water. Such research is targeted to overcome the constraints that solar development faces energy storage for use in the evening hours when the sun does not shine. In February 2012, Semprius Inc. based in North Carolina, a solar power company backed by the German company Siemens, announced that it has developed the world's most efficient solar panels. The company claims that the prototype converts 33.9% of the sunlight it bumps into electricity, more than double the previous high-end conversion rate. Major projects on artificial photosynthesis or diesel are also ongoing in many developed countries.

Solar-Spatial Solar

The Space-Based Solar Satellite seeks to address the problem of storage and provides the power of a clean, constant, and global scale of civilization. Japan and China have an active national program devoted to the commercial scale of Space Based Solar (SBSP), and the hopes of both nations to orbit demonstrations by the 2030s. The Chinese Space Technology Academy (CAST) wins the International SunSat Design Competition 2015 with their Multi-Rotary Joint design video. Proponents of SBSP claim that Space-Based Sun Energy will be clean, constant, and global, and can reach scale to meet all the planet's energy demands. The recent multi-agency industry proposal (in accordance with the Pentagon 2008 recommendation) won the SECDEF/SECSTATE/Director of USAID D3 (Diplomacy, Development, Defense) Innovation Challenge [5] with the following video pitch and vision. Northrop Grumman is funding CALTECH with $ 17.5 million for ultra-light design. [6] Keith Henson recently posted a video about the "bootstrap" approach.


Wind energy research began a few decades ago until the 1970s when NASA developed an analytical model to predict wind power generation during high winds. Today, both the Sandia National Laboratory and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory have programs dedicated to wind research. Sandia's laboratory focuses on material progress, aerodynamics, and sensors. The NREL wind project is centered on increasing the production of wind power, reducing their capital costs, and making wind energy more cost-effective overall. The Field Laboratory for Optimized Wind Energy (FLOWE) at Caltech was established to examine a renewable approach to wind farm energy technology practices that have the potential to reduce the cost, size, and environmental impact of wind energy production. President Sky WindPower Corporation thinks that wind turbines will be able to generate electricity at one cent/kWh on average which when compared to coal-generated electricity is a fraction of the cost.

A wind farm is a group of wind turbines in the same location used to generate electricity. A large wind farm may consist of several hundred individual wind turbines, and covers an area of ​​hundreds of square miles, but the soil between turbines can be used for agriculture or other purposes. A wind farm can also be found offshore.

Many of the largest operational wind farms are located in the United States and China. Gansu Wind Farm in China has more than 5,000 MW installed with a target of 20,000 MW by 2020. China has several other "wind power bases" of the same size. Alta Wind Energy Center in California is the largest offshore wind farm outside of China, with a capacity of 1020 MW of electricity. Europe leads in wind power use with nearly 66 GW, about 66 percent of the global total, with Denmark leading the way by per capita-installed countries. In February 2012, Walney Wind Farm in the UK is the world's largest offshore wind farm with a capacity of 367 MW, followed by Thanet Wind Farm (300 MW), also in the UK.

There are many large wind farms under construction and these include BARD Offshore 1 (400 MW), Clyde Wind Farm (350 MW), Large Gabbard wind farm (500 MW), Lincs Wind Farm (270 MW), London Array (1000 MW) , Lower Snake River Wind Project (343 MW), Macarthur Wind Farm (420 MW), Shepherds Flat Wind Farm (845 MW), and Sheringham Shoal (317 MW).

Wind power has grown rapidly, the share of worldwide electricity usage by the end of 2014 is 3.1%.


Biomass is a biological material derived from living things, or living organisms recently. It most often refers to plants or materials derived from plants that are specifically called lignocellulosic biomass. As an energy source, biomass can be used directly through combustion to generate heat, or indirectly after converting it into various forms of biofuel. The conversion of biomass into biofuel can be achieved by different methods that are widely classified into: thermal , chemistry , and biochemical methods . Wood remains the largest source of biomass energy today; Examples include forest residues - such as dead trees, branches and tree stumps -, page clippings, wood chips and even municipal solid waste. In a second sense, biomass includes plant or animal material that can be converted into fibers or other industrial chemicals, including biofuels. Industrial biomass can be grown from a variety of plants, including Miscanthus, switchgrass, hemp, corn, poplar, willow, sorghum, sugarcane, bamboo and various tree species, from eucalyptus to palm oil.

Biomass, biogas, and biofuel are burned to produce heat and thus damage the environment. Pollutants such as sulfur oxide (SO x ), nitrous oxides (NO x ), and particulates (PM) are produced from this combustion; The World Health Organization estimates that 7 million premature deaths are caused annually by air pollution. Biomass burning is a major contributor.

Ethanol biofuel

As a major source of biofuels in North America, many organizations are conducting research in the field of ethanol production. At the Federal level, the USDA does a large amount of research on ethanol production in the United States. Much of this research is targeted for the effect of ethanol production on the domestic food market. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has undertaken numerous ethanol research projects, primarily in the field of cellulosic ethanol. Cellulosic ethanol has many benefits compared to traditional corn-based ethanol. It does not take or directly contradict the supply of food because it is produced from wood, grass, or parts of the plant that can not be eaten. In addition, several studies have shown cellulosic ethanol to be more cost-effective and economically sustainable than corn-based ethanol. Even if we use all the corn crops we have in the United States and turn them into ethanol it will only produce enough fuel to serve 13 percent of the total consumption of US gasoline. Sandia National Laboratories conducts inhouse cellulosic ethanol research and is also a member of the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI), a research institute founded by the United States Department of Energy with the goal of developing cellulosic biofuels.

Biofuels Other

From 1978 to 1996, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory experimented with producing algal fuel in the "Aquatic Species Program." A self-published article by Michael Briggs, at the University of New Hampshire Biofuels Group, offers estimates for the realistic replacement of all motor vehicle fuels with biofuels by utilizing algae that contain natural oils greater than 50%, suggested by Briggs. grow in algal ponds in wastewater treatment plants. Oil-rich algae can then be extracted from the system and processed into biofuel, with the remaining dry processed further to create ethanol. Production of algae for harvesting oil for biofuels has not been done on a commercial scale, but feasibility studies have been undertaken to achieve the above results estimates. During the process of producing algae biofuel actually consume carbon dioxide in the air and convert it to oxygen through photosynthesis. In addition to the projected high yields, algae - cultivation - unlike plant - based biofuels - does not cause a decline in food production, as it does not require agricultural or freshwater. Many companies are pursuing bio-algae reactors for various purposes, including increasing biofuel production to the commercial level.

Several groups in various sectors are conducting research on Jatropha curcas, a type of poisonous bush tree that produces seeds that are considered by many to be a viable source of biofuel fuel. Much of this research focuses on improving overall Jatropha oil yield per hectare through advances in genetics, soil science, and horticultural practices. SG Biofuels, a San Diego-based Jatropha developer, has been using molecular breeding and biotechnology to produce elite Jatropha hybrid seeds that show a significant increase in yield over first generation varieties. The Center for Sustainable Energy Agriculture (CfSEF) is a Los Angeles-based nonprofit research organization dedicated to Jatropha research in crop science, agronomy, and horticulture. This successful exploration of discipline is projected to increase Jatropha's agricultural output by 200-300% in the next ten years.


Geothermal energy is generated by utilizing the heat energy created and stored in the earth. It arises from the radioactive decay of the potassium isotope and other elements found in the Earth's crust. Geothermal energy can be obtained by drilling to the ground, very similar to oil exploration, and then carried by heat transfer fluids (eg water, salt water or steam). Geothermal systems dominated by water have the potential to provide greater benefits to the system and will generate more power. In this fluid-dominated system, there is likely to be concern about subsidency and contamination of groundwater resources. Therefore, protection of groundwater resources is required in this system. This means that careful production and engineering reservoirs are required in fluid-dominated geothermal reservoir systems. Geothermal energy is considered sustainable as heat energy continues to be replenished. However, geothermal energy generation is still young and develops economic feasibility. Several entities, such as the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratory are conducting research toward the goal of building a proven science around geothermal energy. The International Center for Geothermal Research (IGC), the German geoscience research organization, is mostly focused on geothermal energy development research.


More than $ 1 billion of federal money has been spent on research and development of hydrogen and energy storage media in the United States. Both the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories have departments dedicated to hydrogen research. Hydrogen is useful for energy storage and for use on airplanes, but it is not practical for car use, as it is not very efficient, compared to using batteries - because of the same cost one can travel three times further using the battery.


There is the potential of two sources of nuclear power. Fission is used in all nuclear power plants today. Fusion is a reaction that exists in stars, including the sun, and remains impractical for use on Earth, since fusion reactors are not yet available. But nuclear power is controversial politically and scientifically due to concerns about radioactive waste disposal, security, severe accident risk, and technical and economic problems in dismantling old power plants.

Thorium is a fission material used in thorium-based nuclear power. The thorium fuel cycle claims some potential advantages over the uranium fuel cycle, including greater abundance, superior physical and nuclear properties, better resistance to nuclear weapons proliferation and reduced production of plutonium and actinide. Therefore, it is sometimes referred to as sustainable.

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Clean energy investment

2010 is a record year of green energy investment. According to a report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, nearly $ 243 billion was invested in wind farms, solar power, electric cars and other alternative technologies around the world, representing a 30 percent increase over 2009 and nearly five times that of the money invested in 2004. China has $ 51.1 billion investment in clean energy projects in 2010, by far the largest number for any country.

In developing countries, Brazil ranks second in China in terms of clean energy investments. Backed by a strong energy policy, Brazil has one of the highest biomass and hydro-power capacity in the world and is poised for significant growth in wind energy investments. The cumulative investment potential in Brazil from 2010 to 2020 is projected at $ 67 billion.

India is another emerging leader of clean energy. While India ranked 10th in private clean energy investment among G-20 members in 2009, over the next 10 years is expected to rise to third place, with annual net energy investment under current policy expected to grow by 369 percent between the year 2010 and 2020.

It is clear that the growth centers have begun to shift to a thriving economy and they can lead the world in a new wave of clean energy investments.

Around the world, many subnational governments - regions, states, and provinces - have been aggressively pursuing sustainable energy investments. In the United States, California's leadership in renewable energy is recognized by The Climate Group when awarding former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for international climate leadership in Copenhagen in 2009. In Australia, the state of South Australia - under the leadership of former Prime Minister Mike Rann - has led with wind power comprising 26% of its power plant by the end of 2011, crawling from coal-fired power plants for the first time. South Australia also has the highest per capita capture of household solar panels in Australia after the introduction of the Rann Government's feed-in solar law and educational campaign involving the installation of solar photovoltaic installations on the roof of prominent public buildings, including parliament. , museums, airports and Adelaide Showgrounds pavilions and schools. Rann, Australia's first climate change minister, passed a law in 2006 setting targets for renewable energy and emissions reductions, Australia's first law to do so.

Also, in the EU there is a clear tendency to promote policies encouraging investment and financing for sustainable energy in terms of energy efficiency, innovation in energy exploitation and renewable resource development, with consideration of environmental and sustainability improvements.

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Related journals

Among the scientific journals associated with interdisciplinary studies of sustainable energy are:

  • Energy and Environment Sciences
  • Energy for Sustainable Development
  • Energy Policy
  • Journal of Renewable Energy and Sustainability
  • Reviews of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

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See also

  • GA Mansoori, N Enayati, LB Agyarko (2016), Energy: Source, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model Country, World Sci. Pub. Co., ISBNÃ, 978-981-4704-00-7

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Source of the article : Wikipedia
