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Oklahoma City bombing conspiracy heads to court - YouTube

Various alternative theories have been proposed regarding Oklahoma City bombing . These theories reject all, or part of, official government reports. Some of these theories focus on the possibility of additional co-conspirators who have never been indicted or additional explosives planted inside Federal Murray buildings. Other theories allege that government officials and officials, including US President Bill Clinton, knew about the impending bombardment and deliberately failed to act on that knowledge. Government investigations have been opened at various times to look into the theory.

Video Oklahoma City bombing conspiracy theories

Oklahoma City bombing

At 9:02 am CST of 19 April 1995, a Ryder rental truck containing over 6,200 pounds (2,800 kg) of ammonium nitrate, nitromethane and diesel fuel blends was detonated in front of Alfred's nine-story north side. P. Murrah Federal Building. The attack killed 168 people and left more than 600 people injured.

Shortly after the explosion, Oklahoma State Police Charlie Hanger stopped Timothy McVeigh, 26, for driving without a license plate and arresting him for the offense and for illegally carrying weapons. Within days, McVeigh's longtime soldier, Terry Nichols, was arrested and both men were accused of bombing. Investigators determined that they were sympathizers of the militia movement and that their motive was to take revenge on the government's handling of the Waco and Ruby Ridge incidents (the bombing occurred on the second anniversary of the Waco incident). McVeigh was executed with a deadly injection on June 11, 2001 while Nichols was sentenced to life in prison.

Although the charges against McVeigh and Nichols alleged that they conspired with "others unknown to the grand jury", the prosecutor, and then McVeigh himself, said the bombing was merely the work of McVeigh and Nichols. In this scenario, two fertilizers are obtained and other explosive materials for several months and then collect bombs in Kansas the day before its explosion. After assembly, McVeigh alone drove a truck to Oklahoma City, lit a fuse, and escaped with the car he parked in the area a few days earlier.

Maps Oklahoma City bombing conspiracy theories

Additional conspirators

Several witnesses reported seeing a second man with McVeigh around the time of the bombing, which was later called by "John Doe 2" investigators. In 1997, the FBI arrested Michael Brescia, a member of the Aryan Republican Army, who resembled John Doe 2 rendering based on eyewitness accounts. However, they later released him, reporting that their investigation indicated he was not involved with the bombing. A reporter for The Washington Post reflects the fact that John Doe 2 was never found: "Maybe he (John Doe 2) was arrested and punished someday, otherwise he will remain eternally, who escaped, the mysterious man in the center of countless conspiracy theories, he may never live, chances are he will never die. "

An informant for the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms who had infiltrated the white supremacist bag of Elohim City, Oklahoma filed a report in January 1995 stating that Andreas Strassmeir, the chief of security of the City of Elohim, had spoken of the destruction of Federal buildings and had visited Murray build with other men. Two days after the bombing, this informant reminded ATF of previous reports and urged an investigation into possible connections to Elohim City. McVeigh is known to have called Elohim City two weeks before the bombing. Jane Graham, an employee of Housing and Urban Development at the Murrah building who survived the bombing, later stated that in the days before the bombing she had observed some suspicious people allegedly involved (such as unknown persons in care or military uniforms). ), but his observations were ignored by the authorities. Graham later identified one of these men as Andreas Strassmier of Elohim City.

There are several theories that mention McVeigh and Nichols have foreign relations or co-conspirators. This is due to the fact that Terry Nichols traveled through the Philippines while the mastermind of the terrorist Ramzi Yousef of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing plotted the Bojinka Project plot in Manila. Ramzi Yousef placed the bomb used in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing in rented van Ryder, the same leasing company used by McVeigh, pointing to the possibility of alien relations with Al Qaeda. Other theories link McVeigh with Islamic terrorists, the Japanese government, and neo-Nazi Germany.

There is also speculation that legs not found at the site of the bombings may belong to unidentified additional bombers. Claimed that this bomber was inside the building when the bombing occurred, or had previously been killed, and McVeigh had left his body behind a Ryder truck to hide it in an explosion. The History Channel Conspiracy Theory 12 Episode ...

Additional explosives

One theory holds that there is a closure of the existence of additional explosives planted inside the Murrah building. This theory focuses on local news channels that report the presence of the second and third bombs in the first few hours of the explosion. The theorists point to a nearby seismograph that records two shocks from the bombing, believing it to show two bombs have been used. Experts deny it, stating that the first tremor was the result of a bomb, while the second was due to the collapse of the building.

Conspiracy theories say that there are some differences, such as the proposed inconsistency between the observed damage and the bombs used by McVeigh. Physicist Samuel T. Cohen, known for being the chief inventor of the neutron bomb, declared in a letter to a Oklahoma politician that he did not believe the fertilizer bomb was capable of causing damage in the Murrah building. Similarly, Air Force Brigadier General Benton K. Partin expressed the opinion that there should be additional explosives inside the Murrah building.

In 1997, the US Inspector General's agency reviewed the Department of Justice and the FBI's crime laboratory on the alleged chemist Frederic Whitehurst that the lab was poorly managed and operated. Among other findings, as summarized by CNN, the review determined that the FBI's investigation into the Oklahoma City bombing was careless and partisan, not scientifically objective. The FBI laboratories rely on "scientifically 'unreasonable' conclusions' that are 'biased in favor of prosecution,' [and] supervisors agree on laboratory reports that they 'can not support' and that FBI laboratory officials may have been mistaken about the size of [Murrah building] explosions, the explosives involved and the type of explosive used in the bombing. "In addition," FBI testers can not identify the trigger device for truck bombs or how it was detonated "and the evidence does not even support the theory that ammonium nitrate fertilizer is a major explosive.

Oklahoma City bombing conspiracy theories - YouTube

US federal government involvement

Another theory alleges that President Bill Clinton had known about the bombing earlier or had approved the bombing. It is also believed that the bombing was carried out by the government to frame the militia movement or impose anti-terrorism laws while using McVeigh as a scapegoat. There is another theory that claims that McVeigh conspired with the CIA in planning the bombing.

In a 1993 letter to his sister, published by The New York Times in 1998, McVeigh claimed that during her time at Fort Bragg she and nine others were recruited into a secret black ops team that smuggled the drug- drugs to the United States to fund covert activities and "should work together with a civilian police force to silence anyone regarded as a security risk. (We will be government assassin!) "In the 2001 declaration Terry Nichols, a convicted co-conspirator of McVeigh, also alleged that McVeigh reported in December 1992 how he was" recruited to carry out a disguise mission " Paragraph 10 exhibit weapons and make contact with loose networks of anti-government and right-wing sympathizers. This secret activity allegedly escalated to armed robbery and planned bombings under the direction of FBI agent Larry A. Potts. Paragraph 33

Filmmaker Bill Bean believes he was filmed and talked to McVeigh on August 3, 1993 while searching locations at Camp Grafton in North Dakota. This incident occurred more than a year after McVeigh resigned from the Army, and Bean believes he has evidence that McVeigh was still in the military after he resigned. Bean noted that the US Military and the FBI have denied that McVeigh was a Bean who was filmed at Camp Grafton, but also stated that Professor Michael Blomgren, a speech pathologist at the University of Utah, conducted a sound forensic test of the subject of Camp Grafton in comparison to a McVeigh interview > 60 Minutes and specify 86% match.

VIDEO OKC Bombing - A Conspiracy Theory? INFOWARS.COM BECAUSE ...


In 2006, US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, (Republican, California), said that the Subcommittee on Monitoring and Investigation of the Council of International Relations Committee, he led, will investigate whether Oklahoma City bombers received help from foreign sources. On December 28, 2006, when asked about triggering conspiracy theories with his questions and criticism, Rohrabacher told CNN: "There is nothing wrong with adding conspiracy theories when there might be a conspiracy, in fact." Among the unresolved questions, Rohrabacher also criticized the FBI for not explaining how Nichols, who did not work steadily, paid for several trips to the Philippines and had $ 20,000 in cash; having found no explosives hidden in Nichols' house until a decade after the bombing; not to explain "in a hurry to override the existence of John Doe Number 2"; and for not fully investigating possible links between McVeigh and Republican Army of Aryan and Andreas Strassmeir. In March 2007, Danny Coulson, who served as deputy assistant director of the FBI at the time of the attack, voiced his concern and called for the reopening of the investigation.

On September 28, 2009, Jesse Trentadue, a Salt Lake City lawyer, released a security tape he obtained from the FBI through the Freedom of Information Act showing the Murrah building before and after the explosion of four security cameras. The recordings were empty at the points before 9:02, the time of detonation. Trentadue said that the government's explanation for the missing recordings was that the recording was being replaced at the time. Trentadue said, "Four cameras in four different locations will be empty at the same time on the morning of April 19, 1995. There is no such thing as a coincidence." Trentadue became interested in the case when his brother, Kenneth Michael Trentadue, died in federal custody, during what Trentadue believed was an interrogation because Kenneth was mistaken for a possible conspirator in the Oklahoma City bombing.

In November 2014, John R. Schindler, a former professor at Naval War College and an intelligence officer at the National Security Agency, wrote "It would be better to look back seriously to many of the OKBOMB unanswered questions set for the show", since "The existence of important evidence shows there's something we have to talk about ". He stated that when he participated in a reexamination by the United States Intelligence Community after the September 11 attacks of possible alien involvement with recent terrorist attacks, he found "as Rohrabacher's investigators did a few years later, that the FBI and DoJ were not interested in anyone peeking into cases, which they consider closed, even tightly closed.Even in Top Secret channels, roads are blocked, reminding that the bombing "has attracted more than fraudsters and pseudo-experts, some of whom are eager marks the bombing of Arabs, Masons, Jews, and possibly alien spaceships ", Schindler urged the resumption of Rohrabacher's investigation and cited two issues as important: the visits of McVeigh and Nichols to the Philippines, and the activities of a German citizen and friend of McVeigh.

Chris Emery, A Noble Lie exposing Oklahoma City Bombing | Oklahoma ...

See also

-A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 (2011) | Free Mind Movies

- Oklahoma City bombing by John Rappaport

RealAlexJones #Scammers #Frauds #ConspiracyTheories ...


  • Crothers, Lane. Rage on the Right: American Milita Movement from Ruby Ridge to Homeland Security . Lanham, MD: Rowman & amp; Littlefield, 2003. ISBNÃ, 0-7425-2546-5.
  • Hamm, Mark S. . Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1997. ISBNÃ, 1-55553-300-0.
  • Hamm, Mark S. In Bad Company: Underground American Terrorist . Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2002. ISBNÃ, 1-55553-492-9.
  • Israel, Peter, Jones, Stephen. Other Unknown: Timothy McVeigh and Oklahoma City's Bombing Conspiracy . New York: PublicAffairs, 2001. ISBNÃ, 978-1-58648-098-1.
  • Knight, Peter. Conspiracy Theory in American History: An Encyclopedia . Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2003. ISBNÃ, 1-57607-812-4.
  • Stickney, Brandon M. All-American Monster: Timothy McVeigh's Unlawful Biography . Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1996. ISBNÃ, 1-57392-088-6.
  • Sturken, Marita. Tourist History: Memory, Kitsch, and Consumerism from Oklahoma City to Ground Zero . Durham: Duke University Press, 2007. ISBNÃ, 0-8223-4103-4.

Trial over Oklahoma City bombing evidence wraps up; FBI accused of ...

Further reading

  • Hammer, David Paul, 2010. Deadly Secrets: Timothy McVeigh and Oklahoma City Bombing . Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse. ISBN 978-1-4520-0363-4.
  • Jones, Stephen and Peter Israel, 1998. Other Unknown: Oklahoma City Bombing Cases and Conspiracy . New York: Public Affairs. ISBN: 1-891620-07-X.

May 4, 1995 - The Search For John Doe #2 - Oklahoma City Aftermath

External links

  • Opinion of the General Partin and Other Bomb Experts at the Wayback Machine (archived April 25, 2009)
  • Oklahoma City bombing on what actually happened
  • Oklahoma City bombing: A Morass of Unawwered Questions
  • Closure in Oklahoma - A documentary exploring credible testimony of witnesses recorded during the day of the bombing and evidence contrary to the official government story surrounding the Oklahoma City bombing.
  • - Exercise 9/11
  • Voices of Oklahoma interview with Stephen Jones. The first person interview was conducted with Stephen Jones, Public Defender for Timothy McVeigh and other unknown author: The Case of Oklahoma City's Bombing and Conspiracy on 27 January 2010. Original audio and transcripts archived with Voices of Oklahoma history of oral projects.


  • grahamphoto5ca.jpg - Taken shortly after the explosion. in (archived November 23, 2010)
  • Photo 1, [ Photo 2, Photo 3, Photo 4, Photos 5, Photograph 6, Photograph 7, Photograph 8, Photograph 9, and Photo 10 - A series of photos from Oklahoma State University showing the Federal Building Alfred P. Murrah before and during its demolition.] In Wayback Machine (archives January 27, 1999)

Source of the article : Wikipedia
